[QUOTE="ArmoredCore55"]Alice In Chains>NirvanaLostProphetFLCL
But I still like Nirvana. Their album 'Nevermind' is really good. Haven't listened to anymore of their albums.
You MUST listen to In Utero as it is an AMAZING album just like Nevermind.
I still prefer Nevermind, but I honestly don't know how much of it is due to it being my first taste of Nirvana. Random song from the album that I love: Scentless Apprentice
As for the band overall, they are my fav band of all-time. I directly attribute them for my interrest in music. As crazy as it may sound, I have been a fan since I was a toddler. Something about their music has just always connected with me.
I love all their work. Each album is at least good with Nevermind and In Utero being two of the greatest albums ever made IMO (Nevermind being my all-time fav).
As I have grown up I dug more and more into music and found more and more gems. There is so much more to them beyond the awesomeness of Nevermind.
Nirvana songs everyone needs to listen too:
Where Did You Sleep Last Night (Perhaps best cover ever? Only live recordings I would put even close to this is and The Man Who Sold the World is "Pull My Strings" by The Dead Kennedys)
Negative Creep
Pennroyal Tea
Drain You
I will say, they seem to be a band that you either get or you don't. You kinda had to be there to really appreciate it I suppose,
Oh and to the people claiming the band wasn't talented, just LOL. Krist was a great bassist, Dave Ghrol is an AWESOME drummer who has also managed to be an amazing vocalist AND guitar plaer (making him one of the most talented musicians in rock in my mind), and Kurt just had the perfect grunge rock voice.
Thanks, I will check it out and listen to those songs you listed, and thank you @ArmoredCore
Where Did You Sleep Last Night is an amazing song.
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