How did Noah fit 2 of every species onto a boat whose dimensions were smaller than most cruise ships today?
How did he keep the carnivores from eating the herbivores?
Did he bring extra animals to feed the carnivores? If so, then he brought more than 2 of each, therefore the story lies about how many animals were brought aboard. If he didn't bring extra animals to feed the carnivores, what did they eat for 40 days?
Did Noah bring plants aboard to feed the herbivores? He must have, or they would have died. A 40 day food supply would take up even more room on board a ship that was too small for it's purpose to begin with.
What did Noah and his family eat?
Assuming everyone got to eat, how did they deal with 40 days worth of feces and urine building up inside the ship?
Did Noah build seperate tanks for the freshwater and saltwater fish? He would have had to, since neither species could survive in the others' environment. That would take up even more room. Not to mention, many species of fish don't get along with each other, so how did he keep them from fighting, and eating each other? At the end of the 40 days, surely some would have been lost, thus Noah would have failed his mission.
How about dolphins, sharks, and whales? How did they fit, and what did they eat?
How did he keep all of the other animals from fighting with each other too? And how could a few human beings honestly keep an entire zoo full of wild beasts from attacking them, as well? How did Noah and his family avoid being mauled by an angry animal? Did he kill any animals that attacked him? If so, he failed his mission.
How could Noah and his family sleep? They surely would have been attacked in their sleep. If they never slept, they eventually would have run out of energy to corral and control the animals, and would have been taken over. If they took turns sleeping in shifts, the one or two who were awake would not have been enough manpower to keep hundreds or even thousands of wild animals under control.
How did Noah find insects like fleas? Microscopic spiders, mites, and other creatures too small to see with the naked eye? Even if he found them, how did he keep from stepping on them? Did he put them all in their own seperate tanks? Even more room being taken up...
How did Noah successfully find chameleons, given the fact that they would have camaflouged themselves to avoid detection? Did he sit around and wait for them to make a mistake a pop up out of their camaflouge? How could he do all this, with a 100% success rate, and all in the limited time he was given?
Did Noah even know where to go to find all of these different species?
Assuming the whole story took place the way they said it did, after the flood had subsided, how did Noah successfully lead all the animals back to their native habitats? And how did all those animals survive for 40 days in the first place, outside of their natural habitat? Did Noah actually carve out sections in the ark, and recreate every animals' native ecosystem within those sections? How would he keep all of that under control given the lack of technology, and how would he keep some from perishing, as a result of being seperated from their native habitat? If even one animal died, the mission is failed.
So, how?
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