Nope I think the US needs to support Isreal because it's the only stable democracy in the middle east.
Who cares? Democracies don't automatically make them good or some just power..
And they are outnumbered and just fighting back for their self defense.
No they are not.. They hold a military majority in the Middle East and have their own stockload of nuclear weapons.. Every time a small gurrilla action occurs Israel attacks with 10 times the force.. Israeli in this conflict is as much the aggressor as they are the victim historically.. They have made numerous aggressive actions through the years.. This isn't suggesting they are the bad guys, but the government basically has had every advantage and had pretty much everything they wanted fo rdecades right now.. While the Palestianian population has had no real support of any kind.. But why do I bother with statements like "Well they should just go to other Arab nations!".. Your either extremely ignorant of how complicated the history is or your just that bias.
People who don't see this are anti semites.
:lol: THATS rich.. Demonize people who disagree with you.. Hilarious.. Furthermore anti-semites needs to die as a term being used.. THE ARAB population is a semetic population AND LARGER then the Jewish population.. Yet the Jewish population are considered the only semites when it comes to this term.. It just goes to show how warped the conflict has been to which a classification of culture and lingusitics can't even be used correctly.
Democracies are automatically better since the people are free
.. No they are not.. Democracy is a wide definition and you can have the exact same tyranny of a dictatorship through mob rule..
, and it's MUCH better than living under Hamas or some other terrorst radical.
This isn't helping you when you have to compare to extremist groups that desperate people who see no other choice flock too.
And they are outnumbered on all sides
Not militarily.. Israel since the 1967 war has shown they are the military hegemon of the region.. Especially with nuclear weapons, no country is going to dare directly attack them.. Sorry not going to happen.
, how many Jewish countries are there in the middle east, only ONE!
All the others want to kill them, FACT.
WRONG.. Jordan and Egypt are actually close allies with Israel.. And up until recently so was Turkey.
Israel is defending it'self
Yep uh huh you mean like in the Lebenon civil war or the 1967 war.. Historically they are no better then the other sie thats my point..
, yes they have done things I disagree with, but they just want one small piece of land that was given to them after the holocaust.
Just because a terrible thing happened doesn't give any one the right to destroy the lives of other people.. Sorry..
I don't see the problem, the Arabs
We aren't talking about all Arabs we are talking about the Palesitnians who live in that region.. They are not the same.. Or don't tell me.. White people from the state Georgia and white people from France are allt eh same and they wouldn't mind moving to either country when forced to? WRONG.
were living under a dictator that killed women and treated them like animalsuntil the Zionists brought freedom.
Thats actually a bold faced lie.. The Ottoman Empire was actually quite liberal in allowing all religions.. And furthermore the West has purposely held back democracies within the region furthermore... Zionists brought freedom? No they didn't to the local population they were seen as a annoyance to down right a threat..
And if you really talk to people who are against Israel, you really start to see the real issue.
Please stop talking out of your ass.. How bout you open a history book on the matter.. I can recommend you several seeing as I have studied it quite in depth.
And that is they are anti semites.
Sorry your stereotyping, not every one who opposes Israel's policies is a anti semite.. I hold no animosity towards people who are Jewish, I just happen to oppose the Israeli hardline policy.. That must mean there are alot of self hating jews in Israel afterall quite a few are against the current policies.
Yes the Arabs are semites too and Jews are the share the same ethnicity, but they are still different ethnic groups and anti semite mostly refers to people who hate the jewish ethnic group.
Which wouldn't make any sense seeing as the Arab population dwarfs the Jewish population..
Isreal knows what to do and I support there right to have a Jewish state.
Where the hell did I say that they shouldn't exist? Oh thast right NO where.. I specifically support a two state solution..
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