And I can assure you all these are against Israel.
Cow4ever thank you for posting the completely irrelevent and pointless graph.. You forgot to point out that there are 5 perma members of UN security council with the power to veto anything.. The US is one of them, and they have shielded them against everything. And in the end of the day the minor members you listed mean nothing, the UN has always been controlled by the big 5 ALWAYS.
Still it's ridiculous to say Israel has most international support.Compared to the Palesitnians who were only recently recognized internationally? Yeah..
Israel has support from one country which agreed is very powerful in the UN.
Not just support but UNQUESTIONINGLY support in which they veto ANYTHING and everything regardless of how truely just it maybe.. Israel has violated human rights laws, International laws, and has committ war crimes..
But the question was who has most international support, not who has the most powerful ally. And there are 5 more members of the UNSC. If there ever was a resolution condemning palestinians (like that's ever gonna happen lol) it'd get vetoed by Russia, China, Britain and France.
Wrong, those countries do not support the Palestinians.. What they are agaisnt is the war crimes done by ISrael..
Not to mention if UN really has shielded them against everything why is there at least 224 resolutions concerning Israel and mostly condemning her?
COULD IT BE BECAUSE THEY HAVE committed war crimes, violated International law and human rights acts? You seriously think that Israel is completely innocent in this regard? There is obviously NO point in discussing with this any further.. The US should never unquestioningly support Israel PERIOD.. Does that mean there should be ridiculous sancitons leveled against them for ridiculous reasons? OF COURSE NOT, but yet again there are numerous events where Israel has violated numerous things, and really should be treated no different from other violators like North Korea or Iran.
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