The Libraries:The Offspring (years active: 1989-present)Self TitledIgnitionSmashIxnay on the HombreAmericanaConspiracy of OneSplinterRise and Fall, Rage and GraceGreen Day (years active: 1990-present)39/SmoothKerplunkDookieInsomniacNimrodWarningAmerican Idiot21st Century BreakdownNote: I put years active according to date of first album release, not prior formation.Two very popular punk rock bands, with Green Day arguably being the more popular. Also arguably, the worse of the two. They had a very lackluster couple CDS (Nimrod, Warning) before the hugely popular American Idiot. Offspring has pretty solid library, and stays more true to it's punk roots. It's actually quite rare to see 2 bands with 20+ years of playing music now days that don't have lots of lineup changes.In my opinion, Ignition is better than anything Green Day has done.What's OT's favorite?
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