Uggghh Today was the last day of school. Because I'm dumb I decided to wait until today to ask this girl out. I was all pumped up and ready to do it and then I realized she left. She's going to be gone until August! She lives 30 miles away, so I'm not going to walk down the street and see her. We're not like best friends, but I've been wanting to ask her out for like 5 months. I'm pretty sure she likes me, sometimes i would see her looking at me, in Phy Ed when we played hockey she would always stay like 5 feet from me the entire time even if the teacher was yelling at her. I sat right behind her ni one of my classes and she constantly turned around.
I'm 16 and never had a girlfriend before, i need this, should I like call her or what? I looked and she ddoesn't have a myspace. I never spoke a word to her on a phone before, help. I can not second guess myself like I did with so many other people. i refuse to give up this chance
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