ok,so if you hadnt heard,in lousiana,there is this oak tree,by this oak tree,white kids hang out,and for some reason,ONLY white kids.some black people started hanging out over there,and they were told to leave.they had the right to be there,and they didnt leave.the next day,3 white kids hung nooses(sp?)up in the tree.it was known who the white kids were,but they didnt get any charges droped.so,in retaliation,6 black people beat up a white kid(either he was a person who hung a noose,or just a person who was yelling racist slurs).they where charged tho,now a racial rights march/movement w/e u want to call it is being taken place in lousiana.
my thoughts:
first of all,no one was right here.no one made the right choices.but,on one side i have to say,6 black people causing violence to one white kid,when techinically the white kid didnt cause any harm,is messed up.While the white kids hanging up nooses in a tree is obviously a racial "threat", they never actually hurt the black kids or did anything except discriminate, which happens every day. This doesn't make it right, but at least there was no serious violence involved.
Now, maybe there was something else that happened that I didn't hear about. If so, let me know. But 6 kids ganging up on 1 kid and beating the snoz out of him doesn't measure up to hanging nooses up in a tree. That's bull.But how in the world can people be protesting to have the charges against the 6 kids dropped after they attacked 1 person?if anything,the white kids,AND the black kids should both be charged.
on the other hand,the thing is,i can understand why they did it,hanging nooses along a tree causes as much harm as getting beat up does.it may not be physical harm,but its the fact that they know theyre hated,not welcome,ect.that causes mental hurt,wich has much more longterm affects,plus,i dont think the people are protesting for 6 black people not being able to beat up 1 white guy,its the thing that the black kids got in trouble,while the white kids got off.still is no reason for anyone to harm anyone anyway.better communication skills are what this country needs more than anything.
shed some light,please.
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