1. Before Pick Up or Relationship - You have to know.
Every man is confident in something, but when it comes to women, confidence means the ability to take social risk.
A man fits in one of these four categories:
1. Does not get laid.
2. Average nice guy who sometimes gets laid or has a girlfriend.
3. Guy who chases women.
4. "Rock star" who gets chased by women.
Girls gravitate to men who are great at something. And it doesn't have to involve money. The computer game champion has groupies. The DJ has groupies. The photographer has groupies. The bass fishing champion has groupies. The sidewalk artist has groupies. The blogger has groupies. I don't care what it is, but if you have a passion for something and do it well, girls will notice and want a piece.
Category one guys decide not to take care of their problem, and evolution will probably weed them out as their seed is not spread. Most guys fall in category two. They don't want to be bothered with going out to "get laid," and are very content being with one woman for an extended period of time. Many of your beta males fall into this category, sticking with a less-than-ideal women to avoid being single again. Category three is where I'd classify myself. We go out where the women are, game them, and go for the lay. We do it for conquest just as much as physical pleasure. We are working on making the jump to category four, rock star status. Here, we sit back and let **** come to us. But lets no get way ahead of ourselves. RobG has heaps to talk about.
RobG's Do not do's
MISTAKE #1: Being Too Much Of A "Nice Guy"
MISTAKE #2: Trying To "Convince Her To Like You"
MISTAKE #3: Looking To Her For Approval Or Permission
MISTAKE #4: Trying To "Buy" Her Affection With Food And Gifts
MISTAKE #5: Sharing "How You Feel" Too Early In The Relationship With Her Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most men make with women is sharing how they "feel" too early on.
MISTAKE #6: Not "Getting" How Attraction Works For Women Women are VERY different from men when it comes to ATTRACTION.
MISTAKE #7: Thinking That It Takes Money And Looks
MISTAKE #8: Giving Away All Of Your Power To Women
MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing EXACTLY What To Do In Each Type Of Situation With Women
MISTAKE #10: Not Getting HELP while picking up! (shows how **** desperate you are, RobG say never show your desperate)
No treating her like a princess.
Don't be afraid to playfully disagree and/or tease her. In fact, it's NECESSARY. It shows that you have confidence, it also helps prevent you from putting her on a pedestal. She's a human being with flaws & issues just like everybody else.
Don't tell a girl too much about how you feel early on in the relationship.
Don't go overly out of your way to do things for her. Act to her as you'd act to a friend in regards to favours. Treat her as a human being, no more.
Don't be afraid to rip their clothes off, bend them over a chair & pound the **** out of them every once in awhile. On a subconscious level, ALL women like to be dominated by a powerful guy--just as long as she feels safe with him. Women might be the fairer sex, but they are not made of glass.
Don't ask her what movie to she wants to see or where she wants to have dinner. Take control and make the decisions yourself. (RobG has made this mistake before when he was still noob)
RobG's Do's
Do be busy with other things in life, whether that is hanging out with friends, working, doing hobbies, or dating other women. Women want to see that you are the type of guy that is in demand, whether it be from other girls, employers, or friends. Even if you have to make **** up, that's better than being always available. Supply & demand theory, just like basic economics. She cannot enjoy chasing YOU if you are constantly chasing HER. Give her the gift of missing you.
Do show your feelings with actions, not words.
Do escalate physically when you feel like it. Not when you think she feels like it.
Do tell her only 1/3 of the **** that you want to tell her. Ask her open-ended questions & then shut your mouth and let her babble on. When she asks you questions, be funny/witty and keep your answers shorter. Only answer maybe 1/2 of the question she asked. This is how you stay, "mysterious." Remember: When the keg is empty, the party is over. Ration out YOU as if you would the beer.
Think about how you can.
1. Connect. Genuine connection with another person should serve as the basis of your game. It doesn't matter how good your techniques are if you can't achieve a genuine connection.
2. Positive. Always work to increase the positivity of interactions, and strive to improve the emotions of the people around you. Trying to hurt people only destroys your own value.
3. Now. The immediate moment, the "now" is always more important than any previous moment. Never allow yourself to get stuck in previous moments during the pickup, regardless of what happened.
4. Idea. It is not sufficient to be a man. You must become an "idea". Women are attracted to ideas, not men. Once you determine what YOU stand for, your "idea", make EVERY SINGLE element of your game congruent to that. Everything you do, say, how you dress, your mannerisms, your techniques should serve to reinforce that "idea". Any deviation from your "idea" is a leak in your game that needs to be fixed. This accounts for why some techniques work for some people and not others.
5. Reveal. When using techniques and routines, you must communicate yourself through the techniques, not hide behind them. Many men got into the game because they had a fear of letting women see the real them. Routines and techniques have become a very convenient veil that they could hide behind. Don't let this happen.
6. Value. Demonstrations of value should flow naturally from the reality of your life. Value is built, not fabricated.
7. Vibe. Value is largely perceived as a vibe which is sensed on a subconscious level. How long does it take you to figure out if you like a person or not? 1 minute? 30 seconds? Some of my most memorable relationships came from 1-3 minute number closes.
8. Focus. The nature of your thoughts is the first determinant of your outcome. Your mental "focus" always takes precedence over structure. Never sacrifice your focus in order to follow a generic linear path.
9. Spontaneous. Life is unpredictable. Contingencies always come up. Since women will pay attention to your reactions in all kinds of different situations, your game is only as good as your spontaneous conversation and behaviors.
10. Time. Time is irrelevant to pickup. If you spent 30 minutes with a woman, but the last 5 were boring, you would have been better off venuechanging / getting a number at the 25 minute mark. If you have a problem with flaking, you don't need to spend more time, you need to improve your vibe.
Summary: Use your time wisely. Be positive, spontaneous, focused, in the "now"; connect, vibe, reveal your real value, and become an idea in her mind.
Show that you have worth!!
Starting Pick Up
RobG Party and Club Openers
"Do you guys want to see a magic trick? Alright, close your eyes." (Take cute girl by the hand away from the group while everybody's eyes are closed. Do not return.)
"Okay, who's been naughty and who's been nice?"
"If I wasn't gay I'd think you were really attractive" (your gay "No I was joking about the I'm gay part, LOL"
Situation: If it's one girl with many guys, try asking "What's so great about her?"
o Negs her.
o Gets all the guys to start supplicating to her.
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