I was reffering to the "typical" idea of a goth. You know, the type that wears black clothing, listens to death metal, hates people/life/the world/society/conforming, wears make-up to make themselves appear more pale/accentuate the darker parks (such as dark eyes or black lipstick).
Emo's in this sense try to mimic the dark clothing, self-hating attitude towards life, but they do it for attention. Mostly they don't harm themselves because they're rich white kids just trying to confirm to another social group. In this way being "emo" is more like a cross between faux-goth and "scene". I can't explain "scene" properly, so you might have to look it up. Basically that's my understanding of it.
Yeah, well even a typical idea doesn't have a real definition, it's just a label branded onto people who are deemed as unusual and unfit for society, or at least strange. Just because your definition is seen as "typical" to you doesn't mean it is to me. There is nothing carved in stone here (so to speak) that says what is goth and what is not goth, you can't define a label by a "type" of person, because every person is different in one way or another, hence labels are utterly useless. In most cases, people who brand others by said label don't even know what it is themselves. Your "typical" idea here would exemplify this.
And as for your definition of Emo, it's completely wrong because of the fact that Emo isn't a life-style or an attitude or a fashion statement, it's a sub-genre of Rock from the 80s. I don't know how people think they can define themselves by a mediocre form of musical catharsis, nor do I understand how people keep on swallowing this crap and acting like it's the truth, because no label contains truth, just ignorance and stupidity. It's just another facade that people use either to hide behind their true self, or given to people from others that don't know what they're talking about. Hence, it cannot be defined, nor can goth, nor can scene, nor can prep, nor any other label you can think of. Call it what you will, legitimize it all you want, it's still false, and it's still the same pile of crap.
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