K so I guess you could say i have a moderate case of it.
I use this four clearasil step thing 2 times a day.
And it kinda works, but i wanted to know if there are like better ways to get rid of it.
Cause ive been to the dermatologist and that didnt work.
I really need some help.
There's a website called acne. org. Follow the regimen there. It's bassically what you should be doing. Cleanse, Medicate, Moisturize. 2 times a day. Aviod touching skin, unless your moisturizing.
I sort of follow the regimen. Though I use salysid acid as opposed to benzolyz perioxide. It works for me. Everyone is different, so find out what works for you and stick with it.
Eat healthy as well. Some people say this doesn't affect acne whatsoever. But i do. LOL. Even if it doesn't affect acne, you still shouldn't be eating crap regardless, so it's a win-win.
Use common sense, eat right. Aviod fast food, sugary stuff. Drink water instead of soda. Don't be fooled by the juices either. They claim healthy but are loaded with sugar and carbs. Water should be your best friend.
Do some research on eating right. The website is loaded with articles on it. Research till you feel like an expert.
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