Unbiased people will know this to be true.
The thoughts and ideas of liberalism is based around emotion. Conservatism isn't.
I'll explain...
One reason why many people perceive conservative Republicans to be "cold hearted" and not "compassionate" is because their ideals are NOT based on emotion. It's based on logic and a true understanding of what works and what doesn't. Sure, conservatism can seem stubborn and even strict at times. However, that really isn't the case. It's just that it's a perception of live based around the idea that everyone is equal and that everyone must adapt to an imperfect world to make it better. Liberalism is the opposite in most ways. The emotional perception is what guides these people. Both positive and negative feelings. Many liberals are genuine and have good intentions, yet the consequences of their ideals are often unrealistic because it isn't based on realism. Everyone is created equal, yet not everything is universal. The "outsider" approach is not plausible, you can't force something on the majority for the "good" of a collective. This applies to the group of liberals that encourage socialism. Conservatism is an "insider" approach. Inspiring people based on hope AND logic, appealing to human nature for the desire of not just surviving, but thriving. People will not change unless their hearts change first. So, conservatism works from the bottom up, whereas liberalism often seems to work from the top down.
I believe that there are very genuine liberals that believe in truth. It's just that their emotions get in the way of the larger view. It's funny that liberals often believe in universal unity and large government, yet can't seem to grasp the essense of human nature and the logic of its progression.
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