Now I am aware that each state has its own laws for open-carry and concealed-carry of firearms. But I am not very familiar with the gun laws in general. It is legal to carry a firearm on your person in public with the correct documentation, but when exactly is it legal for one to use said firearm in public? For example, if someone raises a weapon with intent to, or announcing intent to, inflict harm upon anyone and/or everyone (in public) would it be legal for you to shoot?
Also, are there rules governing how you open-carry, such as you aren't allowed to have a full magazine, one in the chamber, etc?
This is a very state issue, with extreme variances in each.
In several states Open carry is a gaurinteed right for citizeens (example Kentucky), while in others it is restrictive/illegal (example Texas, yes Texas).
Concealed carry is the same with 3 tiers of regulation
Unrestricted (If you can own a gun, you can conciel it, Alaska)
Shall issue(pass standardized test like a driving license, Kentucky)
May issue (You can fully qualify, but without local authorities consent you don't get it{aka sherief can flick you off}, California)
Before, there was also Denied, but recent Supreme Court rulings forced Illinois (aka Chicago) to create a path to CCW.
However, each state has different limits too . Example "No Carry" signs on public propertiy are suggestions in Kentucky, but equal to law in Ohio.
As for self defience, it varies. Generaly a judge will toss a self defince case even with no laws necisarily protecting the defender.
But the current sue happy inviroment & increased CCW has spawned specific laws directly protecting defenders.
The two key laws being Castle Doctrine & Stand Your ground laws.
Though the specifics vary between the two (CD tied more to property & SYG more to individual), both allow the use of deadly force to defend yourself or others from immediate danger.
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