When you like a girl, ask them on a date. Do not, I repeat, do not ask if they want to "hang out." And don't waste time thinking about it either or some other dude might swoop in and ask her first. Use the word "date" specifically if you have to. The idea here is to make it clear to her that you don't want to just be her friend which is exactly what "hang out" implies. You can literally say "Hey would you like to go on a date with me?" or "I'd like to take you on a date." I usually only ask women out once these days, and don't waste any time or energy dwelling on any single one if they say no or make an excuse. It's not worth beating yourself up over. There will be another girl that you feel is different from the rest. Trust me. If they give me some excuse, I just tell them, "you know how to get ahold of me if you ever change your mind" or something like that.
All this said, I recall when I was just like you, over analyzing everything. Thinking what if, what if, what if. You sound like you might be in High School? Yeah just get more comfortable asking girls out and not caring when they say "no."
Yea I'm still in High School. Its my Senior year so its not so bad, but its still awkward with people if you try to have a relationship with them since everyone knows each other for the most part and rumors spread faster than wildfire.
I'll keep this in mind though, it seems straight forward and easy enough to actually work.
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