[QUOTE="SUD123456"]If we get involved this whole thing escalates. Then it will take hundreds if not thousands of troops to secure all of Syria's chemical weapons after the regime falls.How do you that those people are actually serving military members?
I would so laugh if they turned out to be Syrian gov't propaganda vids.
On the otherhand, there seems to be an astonishing number of people who actually believe that the US is going to deploy ground forces in Syria, so I guess I can believe that there actually are military members that are this stupid.
The regime isn't going to fall because of this.
However, if this sets in motion a chain of events that in the long term results in the fall of the regime then it seems obvious to me that it is/was destined to fall anyway.
Right now you have overwhelming military superiority on the gov't side.
The US is going to fire off a few dozen missiles, perhaps a hundred at the most extreme, to send a message not to topple the regime. It will make a small dent in Assad's armour, but that is all.
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