I know that we've all had them. Today, I spent a day at the mall. Circuit City had discounts on good games, so I dragged my sister along to go find the game I wanted. When I got there, the games were spewn everywhere on the shelves, nothing in its rightful place. After digging through piles of games and not finding what I need, I went to the so called "Customer Service" desk and asked if they had the game I wanted. He pointed to the spot we just about ransacked and said:
"If it's not over there, we don't have it"
Then turned away to continue playing World of Warcraft or whatever on his computer. As we turned to leave, about five feet from us, behind a shelf, was a box with almost all of the games on sale. That is, every game but the one I wanted. I walked away from CC with clenched fists.
Thanks for the headaches CC
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