[QUOTE="peaceful_anger"] I would like to know what you mean by that bolded statement. Kinda sounds like you are calling them Uncle Toms.
Let's see here, Palin has about 9 1/2 years of executive experience vs. Obama's ZERO. If it's between the two, I know who I would pick to run a country. I seriously wonder how a woman who has never had a serious thought in her head according to the left, manages to live in their heads 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The fact that liberals can't hold on to their civility when Palin's name comes up has to do with frustration because you know her influence is growing.
And Nikki Haley will be the next Governor of South Carolina.
Our Governor's race will be a close one, but Sheheen is a Democrat that can appeal to Republicans who aren't straight ticket voters. Haley has done some shady things (had a position created for her at a hospital she lobbied for that paid a whooping $110,000/yr)and really has only sponsored one piece of legislation on Beauty Salons. Sheheen however is a successful honest lawyer with a good record and honest campaign not marred by accusations of promiscuity.
Palin's experience is laughable and marred by controversy after controversy. Many Republicans who aren't running for office have let it be known that Palin is no good. Why do you think so many of them have a hard time answering whether they think she is qualified to run to be President? They don't want to piss off her fans but they don't want to seem stupid with the rational group of conservatives (ie Rove, Romney, etc)
Clarence Thomas...I don't even want to discuss that fool. West is knownto be a disgraceful soldier. Draw your own conclusions, TOU precludes me from explaining further in broader terms.
Fear and Smear....gosh some you Democrats are starting to sound like Republicans during the 2008 elections. And there was NO PROOF to any of those affair allegations, so NEXT. Haley will win, and you can take that to the bank.
Once again, Palin had more experience than Obama, and he was at the top of the ticket. She ran a city and a state. What did Obama run besides his own campaign??? I really hope Obamacare covers Palin Derangement Syndrome because I have a good feeling she isn't about to get off the national stage anytime soon.
Rove...a rational conservative??? I've heard it all now. I could have sworn the left considered him evil incarnate over the past 8 years. Someone who brought America to the brink of destruction...now he's rational?? But I could give a flying rat's patoot what Rove thinks. He's part of the reason the Rep. party was in the state it was in after the 2006/2008 elections. But hey, if Republicans want to listen to Rove, who is still working with the Bush's (especially Jeb) behind the scenes, then so be it. You can let the party crash and burn, but I won't be a part of it.
So doing whatever it takes to keep the lives of his men safe makes him a disgraceful soldier?? Well if that makes him disgraceful, then I like him even more. He took responsibility for his actions, nobody was hurt, and they got information from the captured guy. I even love his answer when asked at a hearing if he would do it again "If it's about the lives of my men and their safety, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can." I don't see this as a negative at all because pretty much all Republicans and a majority of Independents would probably support him.Nobody cares about her experience because
a) She has no knowledge of national affairs. Actually, she doesn't have knowledge on much of anything.
b) She absolutely breaks down in interviews and can't answer simple questions that even a lay person can answer.
c) She doesn't appear to be very intelligence.
d) She's a quitter.
Yes, Obama didn't have experience but he
a) Knew what he was talking about
b) Came across and highly educated (which he is) and intelligent.
c) Is a savvy politician.
And also, its not like Obama doesn't have any sort of government experience.
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