Or eyes, rather, since we're all looking at a computer screen. :P
So, I'm now facing a very complicated and difficult situation. There's this guy in my life that I hold very near and dear to my heart. We've known each other for about two years. We've been side by side through the worst of times and also the best of times. He's very sweet and funny, and I realize that even though we've both dated other people, we still come back to each other in the end. More recently, he's been showing signs of interest towards me such ashugging me, texting meevery night,etc. We've been closer now than we ever have been before.
But, here's where the problem lies: this guy happens to be my brother's best friend.
Could these feelings I have for him somehow work out? Or does this relationshipcross the doomed, cursed line of sibling ethic? I need some help please! :(
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