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That's ridculous - by that logic you are placing animal cruelty above just about every other rime.
I agree it's sick, and an indicator of larger things at play in someone, to mess animals around, but to say they should be shot? If that's not hyperbole, it is a heavy handed way of thinking.
[QUOTE="Dark__Link"]What about hunting?MM87I'm not a fan of hunting but they shouldn't be killed. Their not torturing the animal for fun like some ass who puts it in a microwave or cuts off it's tail. Hunting with a bow and arrow should be banned tho's so cruel. The animal doesn't die on sight's like he gets stabbed then runs away then dogs will kill it.
I was watching the news and this poor little kitty (who that said would be okay) was put in the microwave by it's scumbag owner. MM87
I'm so sick of that, I've heard three instances of that and I always get mad.
People that do that should be physically punished somehow and eventually executed so they don't hurt anything else.
Shooting them is kind of crazy but throwing them in jail yeah, for hunters it kind of depends on what there doing. Hunters that kill just to kill and leave it dead are the ones that should be banned the ones who actully are going to eat what they kill i don't have a problem with.
[QUOTE="MM87"]I was watching the news and this poor little kitty (who that said would be okay) was put in the microwave by it's scumbag owner. Half-Life_man
I'm so sick of that, I've heard three instances of that and I always get mad.
People that do that should be physically punished somehow and eventually executed so they don't hurt anything else.
You eat meat right? (I do) Should all people that eat meat be executed? I say no? I do agree that people that are cruel to animals should go to jail but not executed.What an *** is all I can say. I can't even explain how angry I'd be if someone did something of that nature to one of my pets.
Although it pains me to know that this kind of stuff actually happens, shooting the people who are responsible for such animal cruelty certainly is not a just punishment.
Poor little kitty. I can't imagine how painful it would be to get helplessly thrown into an oven baking at 400 degrees fahrenheit.
That's ridculous - by that logic you are placing animal cruelty above just about every other rime.
I agree it's sick, and an indicator of larger things at play in someone, to mess animals around, but to say they should be shot? If that's not hyperbole, it is a heavy handed way of thinking.
i think hes just posting off his anger about it. i remember this thread about a woman who was tortured and raped for 19 hrs... the replies were so cruel and inhumane, you would think everyone here is nucking futs.
I was watching the news and this poor little kitty (who that said would be okay) was put in the microwave by it's scumbag owner. And then they brought out some animal doctor and he said he's seen animals that have had their tails cut off and it gets me incredibly mad to see people do this to innocent, helpless animals. If someone hurt an animal and they got killed for it, I wouldn't feel one bit of sympathy for the person. And of course your gonna have the people who say a humans life is more important than an animals, which is true. But some sick human being who puts a cat in a microwave deserves to be 6 feet under.MM87
Ever heard of tail docking? Ear cropping? removal of due claws? None of its any less painfull when it's done when they're young. And considering none of that actually has any practical use, it's for aesthetics, therefore fun, so the majority of breeders should be killed? Hell if you have a dog from a pet store or a breeder it probably has had dueclaws removed, you're contributing to the problem, so I think you should be shot.
i think hes just posting off his anger about it. i remember this thread about a woman who was tortured and raped for 19 hrs... the replies were so cruel and inhumane, you would think everyone here is nucking futs. Xeros606I wasn't involved in nor did I know about that thread but what would you have done. If a woman was tortured and raped for 19 hours, what would you give him a slap on the wrist and let him go?
Thats hypocritical, Humans are just the same as animals, we have so much in common with animals that the only thing animals dont have is the superior intellegence of humans, but from your opinion, id consider YOU TC, an animal.ConkerAndBerri2You're right. I'm such a monster for wanting death on a person who sticks an innocent animal in a microwave.
I was watching the news and this poor little kitty (who that said would be okay) was put in the microwave by it's scumbag owner. And then they brought out some animal doctor and he said he's seen animals that have had their tails cut off and it gets me incredibly mad to see people do this to innocent, helpless animals. If someone hurt an animal and they got killed for it, I wouldn't feel one bit of sympathy for the person. And of course your gonna have the people who say a humans life is more important than an animals, which is true. But some sick human being who puts a cat in a microwave deserves to be 6 feet under.MM87I once had a bunch of gnats in my fruit bowl so I put that in my microwave to kill them all. Does that make me a bad person? of course not.
I'm not condoning animal torture but sentient life should always be above all other lifeforms.
[QUOTE="buxboy"]We're a higher life form, we can do as we please.MM87I bet members of the KKK think the same way as you.I could say the same of the Black Panthers, or other similar groups.
It doesn't matter, we are a higher life form. I didn't say a better or superior race, I said life form. Every other species on the planet is below us, and do not have the intellect we have. How else can I put it? They were put here for us to eat.
we should keep the shooting option on the desk :P but i'd go with EYE FOR AN EYEshifty221b
We could put dog-fighters in fights! BRILLIANT!
[QUOTE="shifty221b"]we should keep the shooting option on the desk :P but i'd go with EYE FOR AN EYESpidersRMe
We could put dog-fighters in fights! BRILLIANT!
lol,exactly,why not
[QUOTE="buxboy"]They were put here for us to eat.MM87I'm not talking about eating. I'm talking about some scumbag cutting a dogs tail off or putting a cat in the microwave.Well it's bad and is punishable for, but taking someones life? Or shooting them? That's out of line.
And yet, as we type, thousands of human beings we will never know about are having their rights abused, being tortured, and murdered.
But no, lets stop and think about the kitties.
[QUOTE="Dark__Link"]What about hunting?MM87I'm not a fan of hunting but they shouldn't be killed. Their not torturing the animal for fun like some ass who puts it in a microwave or cuts off it's tail. Sooo if an animal bites its giant teeth into another animals and rips its legs off while its alive eating it.. who dies now?
And yet, as we type, thousands of human beings we will never know about are having their rights abused, being tortured, and murdered.
But no, lets stop and think about the kitties.
Those other animals are just a big number.
[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]And yet, as we type, thousands of human beings we will never know about are having their rights abused, being tortured, and murdered.
But no, lets stop and think about the kitties.
Those other animals are just a big number.
Wut about teh kittehs?
THis is what kittehs are about!
THEY WANT to kill your family, superman, and the jews!
Kill cats before they get you!
[QUOTE="SpidersRMe"][QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]And yet, as we type, thousands of human beings we will never know about are having their rights abused, being tortured, and murdered.
But no, lets stop and think about the kitties.
Those other animals are just a big number.
Wut about teh kittehs?
THis is what kittehs are about!
THEY WANT to kill your family, superman, and the jews!
Kill cats before they get you!
How do i know which ones are going to kill who? Because i don't like Superman.
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