[QUOTE="Thechaninator"] I think it is hillarious that people would say they don't like Obama for not having much experience but then they will go ahead and support someone like Mccain who has an unstable personality and bad temper. You can tell his time in Vietnam messed with his head a bit when hes joking about bombing Iran (albeit we still need a link TC) and he sit there and throws tantrums at reporters for asking him questions that were admittingly dumb questions but still....
He is a childish and bitter old man who could do tons of damage to this country if put in office.....
In John McCain's defense, Bill Clinton also had an awful, actually violent temper.
One of the guys that helped get him elected, I forgot his name, actually has stories of Clinton physically attacking him on a few occasions, when where Hillary actually had to pull Bill off of him. Yet he's a hero in a lot of Democrats eyes.
Winton Churchill was one of the greatest British Prime Ministers of all time, but he used to beat his wife.
These things aren't right at all, but it doesn't mean hes not the best leader.
Listen, I have a ton of respect for Barack Obama and how he can unite people just by speaking, but I'm supporting John McCain because I agree with him more. If that makes me ignorant, then believe what you want. But I'm going to vote for who I believe is right, just like Obama supporters are voting for who they think is right. Its not fair when Obama supporters jump all over McCain supporters, just like how if you support Obama some conservatives attack you.
I don't believe in Socialism. And I think this poor economy is due to the fact that individuals, not just the government have been completely irresponsible financially. Americans charged and charged, and when they got the bill, they wanted the Government to bail them out. Thats ridiculous.
McCain is a Neo-Conservatives worst nightmare. He's actually a lot more moderate than most people on here think. Yes, he's for the War in Iraq, but he's a social liberal. The guy is more of an old school Democrat than the current crop of Democrats (who are doing a WONDERFUL job in the Congress and Senate). McCain has shown that he's willing to reach across the aisle and work with both sides.
lol never heard about Bills violent side before, is interesting though because he wasn't a bad president at all.
The main reason why it really bothers me with Mccain is the way it seems to seep into his foreign policy. The man sounds like he really loves his war and he seems like he would jump on any chance to go to war.
As for bad economy, try getting a job here in Michigan. How can you be financially responsible when you can't get a job? Our government (especially here in Michigan) has been dumb enough to do nothing to get the car companies to change or find ways to make more jobs available. Our economy here died with the American car companies and the government has done nothing to make work for those who lost their jobs.
And Mccain being for the war is reason enough to make him unnelectible. What do you think has crippled the economy more than anything? We have flushed billions upon bllions on an unneccessary war and I do remember seeing a news story recently where some analysts have actually come out and said that the war was actually the major cause of our recession.
Oh and Obama is known for making alliances with republicans, so I see no point now where Obama doesn't beat out Mccain.
And I feel the need to try and preach to people about the election because I seriously do fear that Obama is the only candidate who could help the country. Mccain will destroy it for sure through war and Hillary is liable to destroy it for being the antichrist....
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