The dialogue was so atrocious in Episodes I-III. George Lucas really lost his touch.
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Worst movies ever? In no way shape or form, anyone who thinks that has to watch more movies...and this is coming from someone who doesn't like the Star Wars films.
2 and 3 were great movies, 3 being the best of the entire series IMO. 1 was pretty crap though, but the light saber fight at the end is still amazing.
Overall, part 2 and 3 alone have me siding with the prequel trilogy over the originals as far as overall quality is concerned. It annoys me to no end when people talk trash about those movies. Part 1, sure, I can understand, but when people start talking down on the second two, they're just letting their blind hatred get the better of them.
Phantom menace gave me nightmares, Attack of the Clones was garbage and ROTS was good relatively speaking in terms of what preceded it which was a visual holocaust. When I watch The Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi I still feel like the movies are new and are always interesting. The others are just cgi porn with awful acting. Obviously there were some good parts in the new trilogy, but not worth mentioning for the most part.
I did enjoy the movies though, but the original trilogy is just so good that it makes the new trilogy stick out like a sore thumb.
Except the Phantom Menace, now that movie is just bad on every level.
The original Star Wars was very campy to me. When I first watched it, Darth Vader looked silly even if he was in dressed in black. I warmed up to the series after watching Empire Strikes Back.
I don't find the latter movies any campier than the first. I find Empire Strikes back and Revenge of the Sith as the best of all 6 with the latter just edging out the former.
I found Return of the Jedi downright silly. Ewoks defeating the Empire? Riiiiight......
Finally, someone who sees how campy the old school trilogy was :D I very much agree with this post.The original Star Wars was very campy to me. When I first watched it, Darth Vader looked silly even if he was in dressed in black. I warmed up to the series after watching Empire Strikes Back.
I don't find the latter movies any campier than the first. I find Empire Strikes back and Revenge of the Sith as the best of all 6 with the latter just edging out the former.
I found Return of the Jedi downright silly. Ewoks defeating the Empire? Riiiiight......
I'd agree, and to be honest i think alot of the younger fans take on this premise of the older ones being better just because the public forces it on them.. I mean i never even see reasons from alot of people saying.. But i agree with TCthey're not as bad as people say but definetley don't compare to the originals.
[QUOTE="bokiloki"]I'd agree, and to be honest i think alot of the younger fans take on this premise of the older ones being better just because the public forces it on them.. I mean i never even see reasons from alot of people saying.. But i agree with TCthey're not as bad as people say but definetley don't compare to the originals.
How about because they were more enjoyable?
Sith > Empire > Clones > Hope > Jedi > Menace
[QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"]Yes, yes it is. :)Revenge of the Sith is much better than the crap Return of the Jedi.
"...and worse" meaning Ewoks, I assume? Good gourd, I hate Ewoks.
Yes, yes it is. :)[QUOTE="Lockedge"][QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"]
Revenge of the Sith is much better than the crap Return of the Jedi.
"...and worse" meaning Ewoks, I assume? Good gourd, I hate Ewoks.
Yeah, definitely Ewoks. As bad as jar Jar was, at least they didn't try to pass him off as a strong militant force. As well as destroying any credibility Luke, Vader or the Emperor had in a short amount of time. It was just a terrible movie to cap the series off.TBH I actually thought they were better then the original trilogy for the most part. (Not saying they are good...just saying the OT is pretty bad...) Darth-CaedusThe prequels were better in terms of its action scenes and whatnot. The original trilogy had better writing(thus, acting at parts as well) . I'd rate the series as Empire>RotS>TPM=AotC=ANH>>>>>RotJ. As a whole I liked the prequels better, but if RotJ didn't exist, I'd take the originals over them by a smidge.
The prequels were better in terms of its action scenes and whatnot. The original trilogy had better writing(thus, acting at parts as well) . I'd rate the series as Empire>RotS>TPM=AotC=ANH>>>>>RotJ. As a whole I liked the prequels better, but if RotJ didn't exist, I'd take the originals over them by a smidge.From what I remember of the OT, the acting in it was almost as horrid as the prequels...[QUOTE="Darth-Caedus"]TBH I actually thought they were better then the original trilogy for the most part. (Not saying they are good...just saying the OT is pretty bad...) Lockedge
[QUOTE="Darth-Caedus"]TBH I actually thought they were better then the original trilogy for the most part. (Not saying they are good...just saying the OT is pretty bad...) MochycHow could you say that? You're Darth Caedus :(.The Expanded Universe is awesome. The books based on the movies are pretty good. The movies are awful. :P
TBH I actually thought they were better then the original trilogy for the most part. (Not saying they are good...just saying the OT is pretty bad...) Darth-CaedusThe prequels were better in terms of its action scenes and whatnot. The original trilogy had better writing(thus, acting at parts as well) . I'd rate the series as Empire>RotS>TPM=AotC=ANH>>>>>RotJ. As a whole I liked the prequels better, but if RotJ didn't exist, I'd take the originals over them by a smidge.From what I remember of the OT, the acting in it was almost as horrid as the prequels... It did in parts. Mark Hamill for example, is dire.
I agree.1 and 2 were pretty bad, IMO, Revenge of the Sith deserves the title of 'Star Wars'.
What? worst movies ever? not a chance.
Sure 1 is bad, only the last 30 minutes are worth (the lightsaber battle is quite good), 2 is kind of boring, then again, a couple of nice battles here and there, but 3 is great and worth of the Star Wars name.
This movies aren't nearly as bad as people claim.
The Clone Wars on the other hand...
[QUOTE="Darth-Caedus"][QUOTE="Lockedge"] The prequels were better in terms of its action scenes and whatnot. The original trilogy had better writing(thus, acting at parts as well) . I'd rate the series as Empire>RotS>TPM=AotC=ANH>>>>>RotJ. As a whole I liked the prequels better, but if RotJ didn't exist, I'd take the originals over them by a smidge.From what I remember of the OT, the acting in it was almost as horrid as the prequels... It did in parts. Mark Hamill for example, is dire. Yeah, the OT had some BAD acting. I'm just saying the quality of the script often led to poor acting in the prequels that popped up a little bit more than in the OT. However, I thought Ewan McGregor was very solid in the prequels. I can't say that much for much of anyone in the OT, maybe aside from Ford, who's decent.super_mario_128
Just re watched them for the first time since originally released last month.
Episode 1 - Was like pulling teeth, everything was terrible other than the end Darth Maul fight.
Episode 2 - It got better, more and better action scenes, more tension, still terrible dialog.
Episode 3 - Easily the best out of the new films, everything falls together perfectly and my only complaint was that the dialog was still terrible.
lolz @ old school star wars nostalgia freaks.
1) they arent the worst movies ever. quit being an overzealous douche.
2) the classic star wars films could be considered better but revenge of the sith was a damn good star wars movie and is my personal favorite.
3) the old movies were not innoecent when it came to blatant marketing ploys. the ewoks say hi.
4) take your nostalgia glasses off. the old star wars films were not citizen kane. they did set the sci fi genre in a fascinating new direction, but you cant expect them to do the same this time around. the genre doesnt have that kind of originality left and they are limited by the universe of the previous films.
5) hellloooooo. look at the newer clone wars movie and cartoon. why have those recieved such little attack by star wars fans? those are what are ruining the integrity and dignity of the series. but all you guys want to do is bash the prequels.
[QUOTE="Nifty_Shark"][QUOTE="Lockedge"]I'll give you bad scripting, definitely. But everything else was decent. People forget the initial Star Wars trilogy was campy in its own way. So is this. The only change was Lucas helmed all three prequels, making the acting very hammed up, but no more than mark Hammil's acting in the initial trilogy. Initial prequel had ewoks, new trilogy had Jar jar. Both were bad. But no matter how iffy the prequel movies were at times, they cannot compare to how bad Episode VI was. It's the one reason why I want at least one more movie, or even a new trilogy, because anything would be a better ending to the saga than that pile of crap.LockedgeLuke kills Darth and the Emperor is defeated. Death Star blows up again and the good guys win. Seems alright to me. Never had a problem with the celebration scene at the end. The throne room scene alone ruined the movie. Worst acting in all the star wars movies, worst scripting, worst choreography, some of the worst camera shots, and basically ruined Darth vader, Luke, AND The Emperor in my mind. I thought it would be epic, but it was arguably the least climactic scene I've ever witnessed. All three characters had their validity demolished. Darth vader was no longer the daunting, skilled evil warrior. He was a slow, stupid, weak, uncoordinated mess...hardly a warrior worthy of any rank. The emperor, in all his might and long life, shows himself to be remarkably dumb in trying to kill off his partner and for not sensing Vader would say "hell no". Not to mention he's powerful enough to use force lightning but not capable of escaping Vader's clutches? Vader, who's since been shown as a weakling with little power. Luke...well, Luke was never a good character, and it was more his character that ruined the others because he single handedly ruined all credibility vader had in that lightsaber battle, in which a toddler could have shown more coordination and swordplay. He was unskilled with a lightsaber and with the force. His only power in that scene was being vader's son, which saved him. In the end, all three look incredibly weak and useless and it kills any prior atmosphere about each character that had been building. Not to mention the acting and writing was worse than what you could find on Snakes on a Plane. Outside the throne room scene and the ewoks, VI was a decent movie. But those two things crippled it, especially the final confrontation, and it capped off a series I hold dear and that probably deserves better. I hear you but I don't feel the same way.I personally like the throne room. The fighting in that scene wasn't the best considering what we saw in the others (I'll ignore the prequels since those fights are on a different level) but I love when Luke tries to go for his lightsaber and he and Darth clash swords in front of the Emperor. It has my favorite part in the whole trilogy which is "and now young Skywalker you... will die" *angry face with bolts of hatred spew out of Palpatines fingers*. Something I never thought about was the "how could Palpatine not forsee..." discussion which I remember everybody claiming for ep 3 as well. "How come the console didn't know Anakin was going to turn and that Palpatine really was an evil prick I let the mythology of The Force just be what it is and don't really think too deeply about it.
Luke. You don't like him. Well that's just us not agreeing on the character. I liked Luke during the Trilogy with him being a good hearted kid who could really pull off things like he was the Michael Jordan or Wayne Gretzky of the Star Wars universe. Death Star in IV, Rancor in VI, Almost commiting suicide to avoid the dark side in V. A swell guy in my opinion.
A whatever. I just find it a little surprising that RotJ is such a bummer for you. For me it's the worst of the original trilogy as well but still a very enjoyable movie of a saga I love.
ROTS was the best of the new trilogy and it's my second favourite Star Wars.
AOTC was really lame, but it had a couple of great action scenes and for 2002 it was technically amazing.
TPM is just OK... There's nothing terribly wrong and nothing really good about it.
1 and 2 were pretty bad, IMO, Revenge of the Sith deserves the title of 'Star Wars'.
I am still trying to figure this out.. The mere fact that they used the term "younglings" should have made it one of the worse.. Then add in Anakin's comedic fall after he kills Mace.. Or "I got the high ground Anakin, its over."... One of the dumbest endings I have ever seen.
All the Star Wars movies werent all that hot if you ask me.
In the first Triology you had some realy stupid moments
-kling klang! i r gigant chicken robot! rawr!
-Use teh force Luke! Its the only way to aim, eaven though you've got a realy advanced targeting computer onboard!
-The rebel's were led by a fish... (i understand that aliens probably dont look like humans... but why make them a normal human body with a fish for a head? )
Prequel triology also had major lulz worthy moments. But atleast it looked spectacular :D
Also prequel triology was to childish (Jar Jar binks, kid Anakin going Red Baron on them etc.)
well i have to agree that Episode I was a huge letdown. Kinda annoying and they really forgot who the fans of the first 3 movies were. but Episode II and III are much better. but saying they are "worst movies ever" is just a stupid overexaggeration. All 6 of the movies are at least ok. Of course the first 3 (IV, V, and VI) are the best. but I, II, and III are still all ok. If they were the worst movies ever, would they have made so much $$$ and be played on TV all the time? I think not. As with ALL movies (and games really), there are opinions of people, but just because you aren't interested in a particular movie, does not make it "the worst ever". Go watch "Plan 9 from outerspace" on netflix or something, and then honestly try to tell us that ANY starwars movie is 1/10th as bad as that movie. LOL
Much as campy as most of the Star War movies are, I liked them enough to buy the originals (first VHS, then DVD) and prequels. I also got into the source books thing even though I don't roleplay. Heck, I even bought the ESCI scale models of the X-Wing, Millenium Falcon, and Tie Interceptor. I also bought some of the books following the Emperor's death. But, I quit after the one where Mara Jade became an ally.
I found all six movies far from being the worse ever. I've seen worse, much worse.
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