Android is the OS to beat right now (when you disregard that it doesn't have a picture of a fruit on the back). It's sleak, highly customizable, and aesthetically gorgeous. However, I think the fact that WP7 came out with such a solid user interface immediately out of the gate, and the fact that ALL of its phones get the updates simultaneously, it could be the one to beat within a year or two.
I always thought (IMO) that iPhones were a grossly overrated, yet (mostly) solid device, but the only reason people actually care so much about it is the fruit logo on the back. And that it comes out of the hands of a pompous and arrogant d-bag named Steve Jobs... I know I'm not alone here.
So which do you gamers prefer?
I know that webOS is making a rise with HP, and the OS is a multitasking God, but they've been out for too long to keep them as a separate category.
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