dowloading is my only option,cause they don't sell my favorite stuff here where i live,i feel bad about it sometimes nevertheless,i remember reading a blog by an artist i was going to download his stuff,in which he had pointed the fact out that the record label of his album was about to get bankrupt because of the pirating,.i downloaded the album anyway but it left a bad impression on me.
I believe the record label era is about to end. You see, the bad thing about "illegal" mp3 downloads is that musicians will no longer be able to make a living from record sales, but, at the same time, digital recording is taking over and getting cheaper and cheaper. Nowadays, pretty much anyone who's tech savvy enough to have a blog should also be able to handle DAW software and plug ins. And, once you have your DAW software, you have a bunch of options and a lot of freedom, and those options range from relatively expensive to almost free; all of them will provide excellent results. You can buy some mics for your drums, you can trigger them, you can use electronic drum sets, or you can just do the MIDI file yourself. If mixed properly, only audiophiles will be able to tell the difference, and most of them won't care, as long as the songwriting is strong. Hell, nowadays, guitar players don't even have to spend thousands of dollars on amps and pedals, there are emulators that do a surprisingly good job! And yes, those are "fake" drums and emulated guitar gear.
Of course, making money off your music requires more creativity now. Merchandise, live shows and even an option for those who want a physical copy of your music (vinyl seems to be the preferred format for some) can help with that
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