After testing on numerous displays, plasma is the clear winner. I own 3 lcd's and 1 plasma. I always steered clear from plasmas, From what I heard about "burn-in". I was ignorant. Needless to say today's plasmas are SO resistant. I have played Halo for 5 hours a day for 3 months and have experienced NOTHING. It's honestly a thing of the past. Not to mention plasmas always beat LCD's in picture quality. My lcd's are so drap in comparison. The color difference is night and day. When you take it home and first see it , your jaws will drop. Trust me.
Basically playing on a plasma is like playing on your old CRT.
-very low input lag (I cannot stress enough the difference from an lcd, FPS games really makes a difference people.)
-richer colors, much higher native contrast
-very deep blacks (ever play Resident Evil 5 on a plasma? Now you can see when your playing a dark level!)
-smooth motion (2000x faster than lcd)
-cheaper than LCDs.
-the tv tech for 3D television
-No viewing angle
-Image retention ( but you would have to leave it on the screen for days and days to burn-in. Burn in is the past.)
LCD (LED is LCD, just using different bulbs)
-Better if you have a room that directs sunlight directly on your tv
-Never have to worry about burn in
-high input lag in today's LCDS. (the 120hz and 240hzs tv's are HORRIBLE when it comes to input lag. They havve to do so much processing to make up for the motion blur.
-Motion blur. Yes 120hz and 240hz tv's rid of it a great deal, but the input lag just ruins any chance of playing games without blur. Your stuck with the motion blur on games.
-Colors are not as good as plasma. (some sets look nice, but any phosper based tech delivers so much more colors.
-Viewing angles (turning gray when you go to the side.)
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