My god i haven't laughed so hard at a topic in OT for such a long time!
1.) Is the pain on the left or right of your body? If its on the lower right of your abdomen/stomach then it may be a swollen or aggravated appendix. You say you can feel a lump/bump and think its bone well a swollen appendix may feel like that to the uneducated. It would also explain the pain you sometimes feel, until a day or few hours before an appendix bursts there is sometimes no pain at all, it can be sudden.
2.) Have you had any strong impacts into your ribs before the pain started? Because it may be a broken rib thats migrated downwards. This would explain the pain you feel after running as the lungs would expand more than usual and push against the break. A single broken rib can be easily ignored and passed off as stomach cramp sometimes, i broke one of my ribs years ago and only noticed it had broke when it healed leaving a small dip in my right ribcage.
3.) This is a longshot but it may be a contracted muscle. You say it hurts for days after you do heavy running then it might be that your muscles contract so much that they feel solid, or like a bone. When a muscle contracts it can become really hard as its full of blood and lactic acid which causes the pain after heavy exercise.
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