[QUOTE="Gen_Warbuff"] Let me answer this first, you said "Creating jobs is giving back in a sense but it still works in your favor as it potentially increases your revenue." sure it works in my favor, but do not mistake increasd revenue with increased profits.
Yeah, so first off, this is the second and third time you have put labels on me by calling me "ignorant" and "greedy" and all within just a few short post, I am proud of you.
Now, if you are ready to listen, and not sit on your high horse and say that "all Americans should give back because they were given a chance" than maybe you will learn something.
You are right and wrong about me on a few things.
1) You are correct in saying that I really do not know a whole lot about the Detroit metro area, I have never lived there. However, I have worked there on and off, and have had a few friends that have had to move from there. I also know that while Detroit has been effected over the years by the troubles of the auto industry, I also know that Detroit is really not that much different than all other major metropolitan areas in the country where one industry or another used dominate the landscape. I understand that people in the long run have gotten hurt, or seemed to be dealt a bad hand, and I also know that yes, it would be EXPECTED of me to "change my life style" if I were in the same situation. Did someone force huge home loans on them? Or force them to use so much credit? I don't think so.
2) You are right again, I have never "starved", but I do remember being 5, 8 or 11 years old and having both of my parents work two jobs each just so we could eat. And guess what, that gave them VERY little time at how to spend with their kids on such important things as homework.
3) You are wrong in stating that I have probably never struggled. The fact is, that I have struggle more in my adult life than I ever remember my family doing when I was young. And yes, I mean struggle to the point where I did not know where, or when my next meal was coming, or if I would be able to figure out how to get to work. I even went on unemployment once..... and you may find this hard, or even impossible to believe, but I paid EVERY penny of that unemployment back to the state, and it was in the thousands of dollars. Never had my way paid through school, never even went to school outside of high school.
4) I would never say I have a "fantasy" of rags to riches, but what I would say is that I NEVER would expect that others would carry my burden, give me a free meal, or give me what they have earned through their own hard work.
I work for a small, family owned private company (you may have even figured that out) and guess what... we go through ups and downs that are not easy, it's not always rainbows and truffles. We employee, on average, 20 people and you know what we do when things get tough and we maybe don't have enough work for everybody? We tough it out and figure out ways to make it through, we don't lay off. We also have a very generous profit sharing program that each employee is FORCED to join..... if we turn a profit at the end of the year, we give them money whether or not they want it! WOW, that sounds like greed to me.
You asked "who else could feasibly help the nation, besides the rich?" How about.... Everybody just doing their part? How about a flat tax? One where EVERYBODY, no matter how much they make gets taxed the same percentage? Oh.. maybe in your eyes that still won't work because the person making 20k a year is still going to feel the effects more than somebody making 250k a year? When the results are really what you are looking for, the "rich" person in your eyes would still be paying A LOT more than the "poor"
Tell, me this. I am going to assume that you have some disposable income of some sort, mainly because you are on the internet and probably paying for a connection. You also (again I assume) have a gaming hobby where you spend money on systems and games. We all know that we do not "need" the interne, or games and systems to survive, so why don't you take what ever it is you spend on your ISP and games every year and hand it to your neighbor that could use the money for healthcare?
Yeah you're right, what was I thinking compassion is for the weak. No one ever needs a helping hand. Every one should take care of themselves and completely disregard the option of helping others in need. Cause no one has ever had an unfortunate circumstance come their way. No failure loser of a person deserves to receive help. The multiple homeless shelters my mother and I lived in when I was a child cause My single mother just could not afford to adequately provide care for me were just enabling her to be lazy. You know because my biological father ended up being a total piece of crap and knocked most of my mothers teeth out when I was still an infant and was then denied parental rights, so no child support for us by court order. So just surviving was an exceptional feat and an incredible burden for her to carry. If there were not kind compassionate people there to help out we both would more than likely be dead. But that was all her fault and if she just worked a lil harder she could have fixed it all. And I promise you every word of that is truth. But no one deserves help period. Its all so obvious now. Enjoy your happy life and your money, Im sorry if anything I said offended you. I am done with this argument as Im just too simple minded of a pathetic loser to handle debating with someone with such unbridled perfection. I will never again dare suggesting than any able person help another in need. Thats just fool talk, I see it all so clearly now. The rich should be left to get richer and the middle class and lower class citizens better make it work or be doomed to suffer for their failure to adequately fix their own lives.
And yes I have so much disposable income to spare cause I have some hobbies I pursue I should abandon the tiny amount of joy I have in my very meager life and I should help. I have finally have a few nice things after having a pretty dang bad life that I have bought for myself through hard work. And I mean very few, far less than 10,000 in total value of every possesion I have to my name. How couldn't I see that sooner. Thanks for enlightening me. I am sorry for prancing around on my high horse cause I totally have the right to with all my leisures I have been granted. I am sorry. You are 100% correct in every way, please forgive me for being so stupid and getting offended by your words to the point I said such derogatory things about you. Have a nice life I repeat cause Im tired of defending my incredibly invalid viewpoint, to you. Its obvious how wrong I am in every way. No help for the weak. I get your point.
And to make myself clear I do not expect anything from anyone anymore I've accepted my place in society. I appreciate all the generous help I have received, and I do what I can to help others whenever I can even with my very limited capabilities. One of my friends is broke and is hungry I will pay for them to eat. Im not trying to brag cause I understand how measly my efforts are to help. I wish I could be in more of a position to help others, but Im one of those saps stuck working just to make it. I don't want any handouts or expect them anymore but I applaud those who were selfless enough help provide my Mom with means of survival and giving our lives value and hope when we had none. And now hopefully you can see why I got so worked up towards you. And why I will NEVER agree with you on this subject.
WOW... nothing better than sounding like a hypocrite...... You started this whole thing off by saying that I sould just give up what is mine for the better of the country, mine being the "excessive money that I make" but as soon as somebody suggest that you give up the "comforts of life" for the betterment of your neighbors, those comforts being your internet & games, you say NO WAY....... LMAO... thanks for proving my point for me.
If you noticed I never said I would not help, and like you, I DO help when I can, where I can. What I did say is that I am NOT for free handouts or just blindly giving away what I worked hard for, and from the sounds of it, either are you.... put rules in place that will force people to get on their feet, to at least TRY and pay things back.
Thanks for the discussion, it was fun!
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