If yes, what do you think it is like?
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I sure do. There will be human shish kabobs cooking over the lake of fire, the sexually immoral will be used as dartboards, and Slayer will perform every sunday.
Yes Many say that humans created the notion of afterlife to comfort themselves But why would humans do that...it serves no purpose as far as evolution goes...it is not evolutionarily beneficial for humans to be concerned with/have anxiety about the afterlife If all we are is just because of evolution, we should just be concrened with our immediate survival and passing on our genes, not the afterlife I believe that we have anxiety about the afterlife for a reason...because it existsrawsavonHuman progress is no longer bound by evolution.
Yes Many say that humans created the notion of afterlife to comfort themselves But why would humans do that...it serves no purpose as far as evolution goes...it is not evolutionarily beneficial for humans to be concerned with/have anxiety about the afterlife If all we are is just because of evolution, we should just be concrened with our immediate survival and passing on our genes, not the afterlife I believe that we have anxiety about the afterlife for a reason...because it existsrawsavon
It comforts them to believe that their relatives died because it was "gawd's will". It also gives them comfort in believing that they'll once again be with their deceased loved ones.
Yes Many say that humans created the notion of afterlife to comfort themselves But why would humans do that...it serves no purpose as far as evolution goes...it is not evolutionarily beneficial for humans to be concerned with/have anxiety about the afterlife If all we are is just because of evolution, we should just be concrened with our immediate survival and passing on our genes, not the afterlife I believe that we have anxiety about the afterlife for a reason...because it existsrawsavonit was created by humans because they fear the end. death. the afterlife is something to make you feel good and tell yourself its not the end. however, there are 2 places you can go. and i refuse to worship some white guy and sacrifice a lot of pleasures in this life, just so i can chill in the afterlife. we're here to enjoy it and get the most out of life while it lasts
[QUOTE="supa_badman"][QUOTE="-Chimera-"]I don't think there is an afterlife, and I don't want there to be one. One life is enough, and I'd rather rest for an eternity.-Chimera-That sounds pretty boring if you ask me. What's boring about it? Eh, just complete darkness and something you can't exactly feel, you know, 'cause you're dead? :P For eternity? Nah, I wouldn't like that.
[QUOTE="-Chimera-"][QUOTE="supa_badman"] That sounds pretty boring if you ask me.supa_badmanWhat's boring about it? Eh, just complete darkness and something you can't exactly feel, you know, 'cause you're dead? :P For eternity? Nah, I wouldn't like that. If you were dead, you wouldn't have the mental capacity to acknowledge that you're dead, and thus you wouldn't be able to be aware of your current state. How can you know you wouldn't want that to happen if you've never been dead?
Many are commenting on what I said Too many to quote individually I think we can all agree that Humans have anxiety about death...unlike ANY other animal I agree that thinking there is an afterlife brings comfort/gets rid of that anxiety My point is that no other animal has this... If there is no God, if all we are is from evolution, then we should not have this anxiety...it serves no purpose as far as evolution goes I believe that God placed it in humans for a reason...that we are naturally curious/anxious about what lies after death Just my opinion Just like evryone has theirsrawsavoni see your opinion. but are u saying that god only cares about humans? god created animals, they ARE alive arent they? so then where do they go when they die? as a matter of fact, arent plants living things too? what about them? birds, bugs, germs? are humans god's favorite creation so he only lets us have an afterlife?
[QUOTE="supa_badman"][QUOTE="-Chimera-"] What's boring about it?-Chimera-Eh, just complete darkness and something you can't exactly feel, you know, 'cause you're dead? :P For eternity? Nah, I wouldn't like that. If you were dead, you wouldn't have the mental capacity to acknowledge that you're dead, and thus you wouldn't be able to be aware of your current state. How can you know you wouldn't want that to happen if you've never been dead? That's exactly my point, I wouldn't be aware of ANYTHING. That just sounds boring. I just know, just think about it and you've essentially felt it, it's probably a lot like sleeping; although sleeping is alright, I wouldn't want that for eternity.
[QUOTE="-Chimera-"][QUOTE="supa_badman"] Eh, just complete darkness and something you can't exactly feel, you know, 'cause you're dead? :P For eternity? Nah, I wouldn't like that.supa_badmanIf you were dead, you wouldn't have the mental capacity to acknowledge that you're dead, and thus you wouldn't be able to be aware of your current state. How can you know you wouldn't want that to happen if you've never been dead? That's exactly my point, I wouldn't be aware of ANYTHING. That just sounds boring. I just know, just think about it and you've essentially felt it, it's probably a lot like sleeping; although sleeping is alright, I wouldn't want that for eternity. That suggests that the only reason why it'd be boring is because you're able to distinguish between what's boring and what isn't boring because of the fact that you alternate between states of sleeping and being awake. If you were dead and without cognitive functions, you wouldn't be able to make that distinction, nor would you be able to categorize things as boring or not boring. My point is that you wouldn't be capable of making that kind of observation once you're dead, assuming there is no afterlife. You're able to do it now while you're alive, but once you're dead, you won't be able to tell the difference.
Yes. But I've seen it, so that makes it easy for me. Long flowing tables. Endless kegs of ale. Such is the way of Valhalla!
I believe that everyliving thing that ever existed, went to heaven, but only if they were good. I believe in God. If you follow the teachings ofthe Good Lord thenthe Good Lordwill reward you. For all of you who dont beleive in God, youjust do not understand the sayings "nothing is impossible for God" You atheist often criticizeGod and Christ by saying "its impossible" scientifically yes butanything is possible with God. Christ died for you- why not live for him? All of you people with no religionare just depressed and one dayyou devolope the sense to believe in something that causes you to care for others.Think of the Most giving personever to live such as Mother Teresa. She did many great things because she was motivated by God. She did good because of God.This is why i believ in God and Christ. Christ said there was a heaven then ill beleive him. Hesaid tobe kind and you will be happy, andwhen i amkind, i am happy.I just hopeyou all see the good in God.
[QUOTE="supa_badman"][QUOTE="-Chimera-"] If you were dead, you wouldn't have the mental capacity to acknowledge that you're dead, and thus you wouldn't be able to be aware of your current state. How can you know you wouldn't want that to happen if you've never been dead?-Chimera-That's exactly my point, I wouldn't be aware of ANYTHING. That just sounds boring. I just know, just think about it and you've essentially felt it, it's probably a lot like sleeping; although sleeping is alright, I wouldn't want that for eternity. That suggests that the only reason why it'd be boring is because you're able to distinguish between what's boring and what isn't boring because of the fact that you alternate between states of sleeping and being awake. If you were dead and without cognitive functions, you wouldn't be able to make that distinction, nor would you be able to categorize things as boring or not boring. My point is that you wouldn't be capable of making that kind of observation once you're dead, assuming there is no afterlife. You're able to do it now while you're alive, but once you're dead, you won't be able to tell the difference. You've been saying that for the past 3 posts now, I know what you're saying. :| But thankfully since I can make the difference because I have a brain and some sense, I wouldn't like it. That's just what I think. I'd prefer an afterlife that I can feel.
I used to believe in heaven.
Over the years, I found myself wondering why such a place would exist, and what would happen if we sinned there. Would we be plucked away and brought down to hell? Also, it makes no sense that we will be punished eternally for what we do in our finite lifetime. The punishment of a merciful god would fit the crime, and unless you commit eternal sin, you should not be punished eternally in hell.
So now I don't believe in any of that, because it not only makes no sense, but if it were real: god is a total jerk.
That's just my take.
No i do not. Everything dies and is recycled into the earth or where ever it originated from and for us it would be earth
Yeah, I'd like to preserve myself past this life, if it doesn't happen well....I won't be disappointed lol.
[QUOTE="rawsavon"]Many are commenting on what I said Too many to quote individually I think we can all agree that Humans have anxiety about death...unlike ANY other animal I agree that thinking there is an afterlife brings comfort/gets rid of that anxiety My point is that no other animal has this... If there is no God, if all we are is from evolution, then we should not have this anxiety...it serves no purpose as far as evolution goes I believe that God placed it in humans for a reason...that we are naturally curious/anxious about what lies after death Just my opinion Just like evryone has theirsdarkmoney52Yup, just your opinion. But this is the internet, where all opinions must be argued until we reach at least page 50 :) Anyway, I think anxiety about death is a helpful survival trait. Fear of death in the longterm can help people to avoid decesions that may keep them from dying later on, giving them more time to pass on their genes/knowledge and beliefs. Those who were not concerned with their future death did not live as long and did not take the same role in shaping society. 50 pages...Damn we have a lot more arguing to do :) I agree that it is helpful to have fear of death (self preservation) BUT ALL higher order animals have this...a dog will try to preserve itself at all costs But no other animal has anxiety about what happens WHEN they die (even if it is a long time away) I beleive that anxiety is there for a higher reason But like I say in other threads, It is always nice to discuss things with people that think differently in a civil manner
Many are commenting on what I said Too many to quote individually I think we can all agree that Humans have anxiety about death...unlike ANY other animal I agree that thinking there is an afterlife brings comfort/gets rid of that anxiety My point is that no other animal has this... If there is no God, if all we are is from evolution, then we should not have this anxiety...it serves no purpose as far as evolution goes I believe that God placed it in humans for a reason...that we are naturally curious/anxious about what lies after death Just my opinion Just like evryone has theirsrawsavon
Being afraid of injury or death is a great evolutionary trait. If you're afraid of injury or death, it's a very natural extension to hope or believe that death is not the end.
In any case, humans have the ability to think freely. Human thoughts and perceptions are not bound by evolution.
Nope - you only get one life. People should stop leading their lives in belief of the afterlife as they're just wasting the one they've gottofu-lion91
I don't see how they are wasting their lives if they willingly live a life with that belief. If they enjoy it, why should you care?
[QUOTE="rawsavon"]Many are commenting on what I said Too many to quote individually I think we can all agree that Humans have anxiety about death...unlike ANY other animal I agree that thinking there is an afterlife brings comfort/gets rid of that anxiety My point is that no other animal has this... If there is no God, if all we are is from evolution, then we should not have this anxiety...it serves no purpose as far as evolution goes I believe that God placed it in humans for a reason...that we are naturally curious/anxious about what lies after death Just my opinion Just like evryone has theirsFlyingArmbar
Being afraid of injury or death is a great evolutionary trait. If you're afraid of injury or death, it's a very natural extension to hope or believe that death is not the end.
In any case, humans have the ability to think freely. Human thoughts and perceptions are not bound by evolution.
I think you misunderstand what I wrote: I said that all animals have self preservation instincts = good for evolution (pass on genes, etc.) But only Humans have anxiety about what happens after death (even if it is 50 from now)= serve no evolutionary purpose I do not understand how some people (may or may not be you) 1. support evolution AND 2. then say human thought is outside of evolution ...this makes no sense if we evolved from the big bang...as some here say...then all our traits should be evolutionarily beneficial...because we are products of evolutionPlease Log In to post.
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