Ever heard that if you were on some faraway planet about let's say 50 light years away, and that you could somehow view Earth from that planet (say with an EXTREMELY powerful telescope), and it was 2008 on Earth, you'd be viewing events that were occuring 50 years ago in 1958.
This is due to the fact that light from Earth is taking 50 light years (which converted to standard numerals is in the Trillions) to reach that planet, so what you see is what is occuring 50 years back from the present time that is on Earth, instead of what is occuring in 2008.
For you to see what is occuring from 2008 from 50 light years away, it has to be the year 2058 on Earth. In that year, the events of 50 years ago are the only things seeable from 50 light years away, so you will see events occuring in 2008.
From this, Time Travel seems possible, but the actual way isn't quite evident to me.
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