Jesse Pinkman...easily. I like several characters very much (Saul, Gus, Mike, Hank, Marie), but Jesse has always been my favorite.
I have enjoyed watching his progression. When we first met him, he seemed like a typical obnoxious wannabe thug. He seemed dumb and like he was lacking in depth.
Little by little, we learned more about him. We saw his family in the middle of season one and learned that he came from a pretty 'normal' upper-middle class background, which might have been a little surprising. It seemed like his parents had high standards and Jesse didn't meet their standards. Their relationship had been strained, probably due to his failure to live up to their expectations and his drug problem.
I've thought that it's possible that Jesse turned to drugs because of his failure to live up to his parents' expectations. It's clear that Jesse's little brother must embody what they expected from their children. They wanted them to be successful and talented in both academics and sports. It's shown that Jesse had little interest in that but rather had a penchant for the creative (as shown by his drawings). This wasn't good enough and this wasn't encouraged, so he became directionless. This is probably how he eventually fell into the 'wrong' crowd and eventually started cooking meth.
In season two and beyond, we learned that Jesse has a soft spot for kids. He sees their innocence and wants to preserve it. The episode "Peekaboo" in season two is when I really started to actuallylike Jesse (and not just find him a source of amusement). We also learned that he is actually quite a sensitive, emotional, and empathetic person in general. He feels things deeply and is often concerned about the welfare of others.
He's an interesting character because of some of his conflicts. He's been deeply involved in the meth business, which is very dangerous and damaging, but he's a deeply sensitive and emotional person who feels a lot of guilt and remorse. It's very easy to see him as a sympathetic character...and oddly as the heart of the show. He has done some bad things and there's no doubt about that, and it's not hard to forget his various screw-ups early on, but it's still easy to sympathize with him and understand where he's coming from.
As interesting as it has been to watch Walt change and transform himself into his "Heisenberg," it has been equally interesting to watch Jesse grow and change.
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