obama- guy who been in house 4 years who has done nothing this nation needs because forcing people get health care. i don't like be forced to do crap. don't get me wrong the new health law as good things in it. p.s i do have health insurance.Other then that we are pretty much in the same spot as 4 years ago. same employment rate/ 5 trillion more in debt.
then you got
romney who's a religion nut....
Would you rather have the government let the businesses and banks fail?
Ford, GM, etc who are among the largest employers in not just the nation, but the entire world... And if the banks were allowed to fail it would cause a rush of withdraws (on money that doesn't exist) meaning the dollar becomes worthless because the money doesn't exist in reality it exist in capital for loans and the likes and the government bankrupts itself issuing the insurance claims from FDIC for all that lost money?
Just those two things happening the US would cause countless more businesses to fail (Loan from a bank? Business fails... Uses GM trucks? Business fails... Etc), unemployment wouldn't just be "bad" like it is now, more people would be unemployed than ever before in history, both by number and by percentage... It would cause worldwide economic depression...
Considering the world isn't a smoldering ruin at the moment, I think things are pretty swell...
Why are banks and corporations allowed to enjoy the benefits of socialism, while individuals are left to rot?
Benefit of the many.
Pure utility... If an individual rots, an individual rots... If the private banking and industrial base of the entire world rots, the entire world rots.
Steps are being taken now to make it so that we never arrive at this situation again, but that wouldn't have mattered much if we were in a second great depression as opposed to where we are right now...
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