@jun_aka_pekto said:
@ad1x2 said:
While I don't agree with Manning's actions (some of what she leaked had nothing to do with corruption and had no business being released to the public), I am not that mad about her being released early.
This way, Manning can finish transitioning on her own dime instead of on taxpayer dollars, which I am sure will not be a problem with supporters that I am sure will be happy to donate towards further treatment. Also, I'm sure that the USDB will be happy to not have to deal with such a high profile inmate anymore.
I'm the opposite. His medical bills were small potatoes compared to the potential damage his act did. A lot of what Manning released had to do with Iraq and Afghanistan. We had locals there who were helpful in keeping an eye out. It doesn't take much to figure out how to compromise them if the leaked papers had some clues on where to look. Once the eyes forward were taken out, is it still a wonder why no one seems to know anything there except after the fact?
I was fine with letting him pile up his medical bills so long as he stayed behind bars. Snowden's actions would probably result in embarrassment for some and maybe even some jail terms. Manning's leaks probably got many people killed.
After sleeping on it, I take back some of what I originally said and I don't think that Manning should have been let off due to the things she gave to WikiLeaks that could have actually put people in danger. At least WikiLeaks didn't release every single thing Manning gave them, but they released plenty of stuff that did damage.
However, commuting her sentence was the President's decision, and while I don't fully agree with it, it is his right to do so. But on the bright side, commuting Manning's sentence isn't the same as a pardon. Manning will still have a Dishonorable Discharge, which means a felony conviction andno veteran benefits. Not like she will care anyway, I'm sure that people are already getting GoFundMe accounts ready for a post-release nest egg and for further transitioning treatment for her.
Until Trump was elected, I was almost certain that political pressure would have eventually lead to Manning being moved to Miramar with female inmates. I'm sure that the Army was already tired of the ACLU and several LGBT organizations breathing down their neck, and them having to use significantly more resources guarding Manning to prevent her from either killing herself or being targeted by other inmates.
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