This topic came up today in conversation at work today and needless to say it got kinda heated among co workers. Anyway , we all were talking and someone pointed out that they thought President Obama is easily one of if not the most disrespected president of the United States in many years. I honestly agree with that statement.
Regardless on whether you agree with his policies or not, you have to admit the guy is disrespected at every turn.
From conservatives and tea party members and supporters using racial slurs and stereotypes about him and his family. Ever since he got in office.
People like Trump arguing about his citizenship.
Some media outlets not even having the decency to called him by is proper title " President Obama". As most just say Obama.
Some dude getting up and calling him a liar at a press conference.
People like Rush Limbough saying some really ignorant and racist things but about the president but still is on live radio.
Any news article or Facebook post about anything he does is filled with ignorant racist comments.
Even when he try's to do right, conservatives reject it. Doing anything in their power to make him look bad.
A news anchor on fox or cnn calling him mentally slow but they actually calked him the R word we can't post here.
And the list goes on. Sure, Bush was made fun of but he still got respect for the most part. All he had was people and media calling him stupid or dumb. President Obama has to deal with racism on top of all the other things presidents get flack for. I honestly don't know how he stays sane with all the BS he has take deal with.
What do you all think? Agree that President Obama is disrespected a lot or disagree??
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