I just watched Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction for like the 30'th time or so ... I consider this to be the most brilliant movies ever, to me this is the best piece of cinema ever created ( Fight Club being a very close second to me ) ...
The soundtrack, the acting, the story, the dialogue is just absolutely f*****g brilliant and f******g funny as hell ...
Anyone else thinks Pulp Fiction is a great movie or just Meh ?
I seriously almost started crying when I heard some of the dialogue, Just the genious of it ... it makes me cry :D
I absolutely despise him for the mockery that he is bringing to the German people with his new movie. No I am not a national socialist, it's just a shame that society labels all the infantry of the wehrmacht who fought to vigorously for their country and homeland and many who knew nothing of the happenings in the holocaust done by the SS to begin with as "those damn Nazis!!11".
Open your eyes and do not fund this movie.
How about you open your eyes and realise that in the Army, during that time, people were pissed at everyone. German = Nazi as far as the U.S. Army was concerned, and it is that attitude that is portrayed in the movie not because it's what Tarantino thinks, but because that's how it is in the social context.
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