it's great to see some celebrities helping out the community
The Oscar-winning filmmaker joined writers, clerics, intellectuals and actors to read the names of around 250 black men, black women and black children to die at the hands of US police
A database compiled by a newspaper says more than 920 people have been killed by police in the United States this year, of whom 578 have been civilians, and 226 blacks.
"The entire justice system is racist and needs to be dismantled," said Hertencia Petersen, aunt of 26-year-old Akai Gurley, who is black and was mistakenly killed by police in Brooklyn in November 2014.
Victims remembered Thursday ranged in age from an 11-month-old baby to a 92-year-old black woman, shot dead when officers got the wrong address on a drugs bust.
They included blacks, Africans, US veterans, men, women and transgender people. A significant proportion were mentally ill.
All life matters, that should be their slogan. Isn't it pretty logical that more black people are going to get shot when they commit a lot more crime than other groups? But I digress, more white people are still being killed by the cops each year.
As much as I enjoy all of Quentin Taratino's movies, I got to say that he's doing something good, so credit were it's due.
@CWEBB04z said:
So if a cop kill a black person.. they are automatically racist now?
Depends on the situations. The media thinks if a Cop shoots a black person, they think it's a racist cop but seriously, cops are now getting label as victims just because some situations can get out of hand if the suspects does something stupid, a cop should act accordingly but the media tends to show little and doesn't know the full story. Cops being label as racist today's standards is getting fucking stupid.
All life matters, that should be their slogan. Isn't it pretty logical that more black people are going to get shot when they commit a lot more crime than other groups? But I digress, more white people are still being killed by the cops each year.
You forgot to mention we have evidence in places like Ferguson that the precinct specifically were targeting blacks.... All lives do matter, but we really can't act like there isn't institutionalized racism within many of these precincts when we literally have huge email leaks in places like that pretty much proving it..
All life matters, that should be their slogan. Isn't it pretty logical that more black people are going to get shot when they commit a lot more crime than other groups? But I digress, more white people are still being killed by the cops each year.
You forgot to mention we have evidence in places like Ferguson that the precinct specifically were targeting blacks.... All lives do matter, but we really can't act like there isn't institutionalized racism within many of these precincts when we literally have huge email leaks in places like that pretty much proving it..
Agreed, a Baltimore City veteran Officer(Michael Wood) confirms the public's worst nightmares about shady cops! But we CAN'T condemn all of the police because of a few bad cops. Michael Wood is proof that there are still good cops.
All life matters, that should be their slogan. Isn't it pretty logical that more black people are going to get shot when they commit a lot more crime than other groups? But I digress, more white people are still being killed by the cops each year.
You forgot to mention we have evidence in places like Ferguson that the precinct specifically were targeting blacks.... All lives do matter, but we really can't act like there isn't institutionalized racism within many of these precincts when we literally have huge email leaks in places like that pretty much proving it..
Agreed, a Baltimore City veteran Officer(Michael Wood) confirms the public's worst nightmares about shady cops! But we CAN'T condemn all of the police because of a few bad cops. Michael Wood is proof that there are still good cops.
Oh I am not, if anything I am targeting the organizations as a whole.. It isn't so much that every cop is bad or corrupt, as so much as many of these precincts are throwing actual honest cops to the wolves..
Reading over comments (on many social media outlets not just here) gives me the feeling that the BlackLivesMatter movement is truly lost on some people.
I can pull up thousands of stories about good people you have never heard of like john wayne whitmore and corey gabay and people that never even got a chance at life like dillon harris and jamyla bolden and those assholes are worried about 5 or 6 incidents a year.
Blm offends me because they exploit who they need to exploit to make a point about .0001 % of murders while ignoring worse crimes that happen at a rate of literally thousands to one over they crimes they care about.
I think a movement like Black Lives Matter can do a lot of good if they focus on constructive ideas. While more non-black people than black people are killed by the police each year, I believe a disproportionate amount of people killed are black (226 out of 920) - or 23% of deaths attributed to black americans as opposed to being 13% of population.
I suspect that a good portion of that comes from police feeling threatened. But "feeling threatened" is subjective. In a lot of these encounters, the perceived situation may unfold differently for each party involved. I think prejudice or lack of understanding of a certain culture could cause a person to misinterpret actions as hostile or provocative. Having more officers that are familiar with the area and respective cultures of the areas they are monitoring may help. Are black officers less likely to shoot black suspects than white officers? That would be an interesting piece of information to know.
It would also be nice to see BlackLivesMatter tackle the homocide rate of blacks in the US.
The homocide rates of blacks in the US is 19.2 per 100,000. That of whites is 2.5 per 100,000 which is in line with most industrialized western nations. Most homicides are intraracial meaning that black homicides are more likely to be committed by a black person (91% of the homicides) and white homicides are more likely to be committed by a white person (86%). The reason for that is that most people tend to live around people of their background, so obviously, more likely to be killed by someone of their background.
But regardless, the homicide rate is almost 9x of what it should be. Im sure socioeconomic factors contribute greatly to that, but I'd to see communities do more to address that. Because if blacklivesmatter, then this would be a far bigger area to make an impact than focusing on those killed by police. But it doesnt have the big sexy appeal that police violence has.
The worst thing about "All Lives Matter" and "Blue Lives Matter" is that they only became a thing after people saw black people crying out against systemic racism claiming "Black Lives Matter". Where was the concern for "All Lives" or "Blue Lives" before?
Racist people (be it explicitly or subconsciously racist) literally saw a bunch of black people getting uppity about their human rights and thought "well we can't have that now, can we?"
The worst thing about "All Lives Matter" and "Blue Lives Matter" is that they only became a thing after people saw black people crying out against systemic racism claiming "Black Lives Matter". Where was the concern for "All Lives" or "Blue Lives" before?
Racist people (be it explicitly or subconsciously racist) literally saw a bunch of black people getting uppity about their human rights and thought "well we can't have that now, can we?"
This image more or less sums it up:
"Since you don't agree with us, you are racist." That pretty much sums up the pic. 694 non-blacks were also killed. This isn't a white cop vs black people issue. This is authority versus civilian, which is why #AllLivesMatter was created. That benefits everyone. It's ridiculous to call someone a racist for getting behind something that benefits EVERYONE. You get the cops to stop killing, period, they stop killing black people as well. So, because everyone HAS to be focused on black lives right now, those 694 victims of police shootings don't get their names read. They aren't important because they aren't black... Black cop kills white person, news doesn't care, or when they cover the story, readers don't care. They're waiting to hear about another story of a white cop killing another black person. So... who's really being racist here?
actually i'm a part of the problem because i won't shut up and go along with a huge scam based on a lie.
can you name one thing that came out of ferguson that was the truth?
just one?
was mike brown a gentle peace loving law abiding citizen who was in school?
was he trying to surrender?
was he complying with wilsons orders?
was his hands up?
was he shot in the back?
was wilson not responding to a robbery call with a description of the suspect?
was wilson not attacked before he got out of the squad car?
was brown not struggling to take wilsons gun?
every single time some new horrific lurid detail of this unjust racist shooting came up it turned out to be a flat out lie.
now we can all look at the doj report on targeting minorities for infractions and i believe that 100% and do you know why?
because every municipality in the country is doing the same exact thing to every person you see around you because that is the only way they can balance their budgets and keep operating.
i don't want to see black folks victimized and neither do most other people and many of them are the people that think blm is a load of crap that victimizes the black community but dare not say a word about it because of what will happen to them if they do talk about it.
@ianhh6 said:
The worst thing about "All Lives Matter" and "Blue Lives Matter" is that they only became a thing after people saw black people crying out against systemic racism claiming "Black Lives Matter". Where was the concern for "All Lives" or "Blue Lives" before?
Racist people (be it explicitly or subconsciously racist) literally saw a bunch of black people getting uppity about their human rights and thought "well we can't have that now, can we?"
All life matters, that should be their slogan. Isn't it pretty logical that more black people are going to get shot when they commit a lot more crime than other groups? But I digress, more white people are still being killed by the cops each year.
Their slogan should have been "Black lives matter too". That way they're wouldn't have been any dispute at all.
As much as I enjoy all of Quentin Taratino's movies, I got to say that he's doing something good, so credit were it's due.
@CWEBB04z said:
So if a cop kill a black person.. they are automatically racist now?
Depends on the situations. The media thinks if a Cop shoots a black person, they think it's a racist cop but seriously, cops are now getting label as victims just because some situations can get out of hand if the suspects does something stupid, a cop should act accordingly but the media tends to show little and doesn't know the full story. Cops being label as racist today's standards is getting fucking stupid.
Im not african american so I can't really relate. But I didn't understand the protesting and rioting that some people embarked on. I understood the Eric Garner case... that officer was incompetent. But I don't understand why people were so angry about Freddie Gray because most of these "activists" claim that cops are racists etc but half of the officers involved with Freddie Gray were black.. The Michael Brown case.. is iffy imo. And then people were so angry about that one lady in Texas who died at jail. Im pretty sure no officer killed her and she most likely committed suicide. BUT she was arrested for a stupid reason.
Also are we all going to just pretend like black people are not committing a disproportionate amount of crime? You are aware that most people in prison in the USA are black right?
Why do you always want to point the finger at the white man, how about make a campaign to actually lower black criminal activity?
The mainstream media also perpetuate this race war sh*t stirring stuff, I have noticed that from the mainstream media. They will always try to create conflict in a passive aggressive way. Trying to scare people by misrepresenting things.
Again, how about they actually create a campaign to lower black crime? Not just a campaign that complains about a bad result of all the crime itself. If you don't target the root cause then you are just wasting your time, it's endless sh*t stirring in fact. Just more BS from the media.
Also are we all going to just pretend like black people are not committing a disproportionate amount of crime? You are aware that most people in prison in the USA are black right?
Why do you always want to point the finger at the white man, how about make a campaign to actually lower black criminal activity?
Make mention of how the black community commits a disproportionate amount of crime but be prepared to be labeled a racist. Blacks never ever want to address such facts because it is easier to blame the white guy.
Although I am not certain when it happened, one day it just became the norm to blame everyone else for your short comings. It's just easier that way. The media promotes such a belief as do the racist poverty pimps.
Also are we all going to just pretend like black people are not committing a disproportionate amount of crime? You are aware that most people in prison in the USA are black right?
You do know that the argument you're suggesting is extremely racist, right?
You really could use a few college courses in Sociology.
All life matters, that should be their slogan. Isn't it pretty logical that more black people are going to get shot when they commit a lot more crime than other groups? But I digress, more white people are still being killed by the cops each year.
All lives do matter, at least in the grand scheme of things. However, we have a serious and specific problem in the US when it comes to black people and law enforcement, which is why BlackLivesMatter.
Think of it this way:
You sit down to dinner with your family; mom, dad, sister, and brother. There's plenty of food to go around, however everyone but you gets some. So you protest, and you say "I'm hungry, don't I get some?" to which your dad replies "Everyone is hungry" and he and the rest of your family continue eating. Your dad acknowledged you, but dismissed you; your mom and you sister might even feel sorry for you, but they don't want to rock the boat, so they stay quiet; and your brother might even support your dad and take it a bit further by saying "you probably deserve to starve, you must have done something wrong".
That's the problem with AllLivesMatter; it is incredibly general and dismissive to a very specific problem in the world that needs to be addressed.
-Your dad is dismissive without even knowing it, thinking he is righteous but actually contributes to the problem. -Your mom and your sister are white privelage, probably even liberal; they don't know anything but general happiness, and have someone to thank for it, so they won't say anything to upset the system. -And your brother is the conservative contrarian, who sees "BlackLivesMatters" and automatically replies "Bullshit, AllLivesMatter, black people commit more crimes blah blah blah". Probably a closet racist, too.
I normally don't mind cops, but they play the victim way way way too much these days. Furthermore, their ignorance to an obvious problem is quite sickening; I expect them to at least acknowledge this is a problem, or speak out privately/anonymously, but their solidarity is quite honestly terrifying. I just finished watching a film about the Ukranian revolution (I think it was called Winter on Fire), and I could not understand how the police could just blindly follow orders like that. Then I see idiot cops doing idiot things like not acknowledging there is a problem or boycotting a director's movies and I think "Oh shit, that could happen here".
For context, the following jobs are more dangerous/more likely to result in your death, than a job as a police officer:
Lumberjack Bartender Bouncer Roofer Carpenter/construction workers that work at or above two stories of height ...the list goes on. Some you might expect, others you might be surprised to see on the list.
So yeah, a cop might get jumped by a meth head on occasion, and I am sure they get a lot of shit talked to them (they are authority figures, after all, they should expect it), but they are trained for these things, at least I hope. They also have access to counselors, psychiatrists, and get paid a lot of money relative to other jobs that don't require a college degree. Don't get me started on their retirement pensions and benefits.
The Oscar-winning filmmaker joined writers, clerics, intellectuals and actors to read the names of around 250 black men, black women and black children to die at the hands of US police
More black people are killed by other black people.
A database compiled by a newspaper says more than 920 people have been killed by police in the United States this year, of whom 578 have been civilians, and 226 blacks.
24.5%. What about the other 75.5% killed? Don't they matter?
The worst thing about "All Lives Matter" and "Blue Lives Matter" is that they only became a thing after people saw black people crying out against systemic racism claiming "Black Lives Matter". Where was the concern for "All Lives" or "Blue Lives" before?
Racist people (be it explicitly or subconsciously racist) literally saw a bunch of black people getting uppity about their human rights and thought "well we can't have that now, can we?"
This image more or less sums it up:
"Since you don't agree with us, you are racist." That pretty much sums up the pic. 694 non-blacks were also killed. This isn't a white cop vs black people issue. This is authority versus civilian, which is why #AllLivesMatter was created. That benefits everyone. It's ridiculous to call someone a racist for getting behind something that benefits EVERYONE. You get the cops to stop killing, period, they stop killing black people as well. So, because everyone HAS to be focused on black lives right now, those 694 victims of police shootings don't get their names read. They aren't important because they aren't black... Black cop kills white person, news doesn't care, or when they cover the story, readers don't care. They're waiting to hear about another story of a white cop killing another black person. So... who's really being racist here?
In reality, most of these statistics, whether they be cops killing blacks or blacks killing blacks, have way more to do with poverty then anything else. Many on here have said "when are blacks going to address the staggering numbers of how often they kill themselves," but the fact is you do not see this sort of violence elsewhere in the world with any middle class or higher ethnic/people groups. Simply put, when people are poor, they are way more likely to commit crime. Then factor in the mass deportation of jobs that happened in the 50s and 60s with car companies and the like where black families were actually advancing themselves out of poverty, and then the gang element comes in, fostered by America's war on drugs (which in truth is a war on minorities), and you have a recipe for disaster where an entire people group is systemically oppressed.
@battlefront23: what a load of shit. There are more poor white people than the total number of black people that even live in the usa. You folks have been sold a line of bullshit that obviously has nothing to do with reality.
In reality, most of these statistics, whether they be cops killing blacks or blacks killing blacks, have way more to do with poverty then anything else. Many on here have said "when are blacks going to address the staggering numbers of how often they kill themselves," but the fact is you do not see this sort of violence elsewhere in the world with any middle class or higher ethnic/people groups. Simply put, when people are poor, they are way more likely to commit crime. Then factor in the mass deportation of jobs that happened in the 50s and 60s with car companies and the like where black families were actually advancing themselves out of poverty, and then the gang element comes in, fostered by America's war on drugs (which in truth is a war on minorities), and you have a recipe for disaster where an entire people group is systemically oppressed.
@LJS9502_basic:And I heartily agree. But the need for gangs came when the jobs left; specifically in southern California, one of the most gang-ridden areas, overnight GM and the other car manufacturers took off and with them the most stable opportunity for black communities to advance themselves there. With no job prospects, and unrest growing at an all time high, gangs became the answer to a dim and bleak future.
@Riverwolf007: That's because there's more white people than black people in the US bro. >_>
@battlefront23: yeah... southern cali was super famous historically for their heavy investment in the car industry. Lol there is just no end to the bullshit is there?
there is a bigger car industry there right now than ever before.
And see. This is how it works. You don't get to blame poverty for crime in one population then ignore poverty as a reason when I show you a larger population of poor people with proportionally smaller crime numbers. You get to blame it or not blame it. You don't get both.
In reality, most of these statistics, whether they be cops killing blacks or blacks killing blacks, have way more to do with poverty then anything else. Many on here have said "when are blacks going to address the staggering numbers of how often they kill themselves," but the fact is you do not see this sort of violence elsewhere in the world with any middle class or higher ethnic/people groups. Simply put, when people are poor, they are way more likely to commit crime. Then factor in the mass deportation of jobs that happened in the 50s and 60s with car companies and the like where black families were actually advancing themselves out of poverty, and then the gang element comes in, fostered by America's war on drugs (which in truth is a war on minorities), and you have a recipe for disaster where an entire people group is systemically oppressed.
This is essentially the best post as far as I'm concerned. The huge issue is mostly poverty and socioeconomic in nature. Do blacks commit more crimes? Yes, but its due to their circumstances. Poor people will always be more likely to commit crime in order to survive and that they've been given less options in life. The second being that the war on drugs is absolutely racist at heart, just look at the crack vs cocaine sentencing that existed up until a year ago. We targeted crack users (blacks) with sentencing that was far more harsh when compared to cocaine users (whites). Saying 'there are more blacks in jail' as a statistical jab is ignoring that perhaps the policies that SEND people to jail may have been unwarranted and racist in the first place.
The best thing we could do to help out minorities in this country would be to do away with the war on drugs. Until that's done the poor will continue to be thrown in jail due to possession and distribution of illegal substances, and once inside our lovely prison system they will most likely be a victim of our revolving door structure of sentencing. Then of course we have a system where nobody wants to hire someone convicted of a crime ensuring that they'll have a higher rate of re-incarceration due to limited job availability.
@battlefront23: what a load of shit. There are more poor white people than the total number of black people that even live in the usa. You folks have been sold a line of bullshit that obviously has nothing to do with reality.
False. Link from the 2013 Census. Natives Americans and Alaskan take the number one spot and blacks follow very closely. What Battlefront said makes sense: Poverty, lack of education, and lack of social mobility often times creates an environment for crime.
Unfortunately, both sides focus on the symptoms and not the root of the problem.
@drunk_pi: Thank you, I agree. A lot of people on GS seem really ignorant of the way things are out there. You can buy into all of the fox news propaganda that minorities are just trying to destroy cops and mainstream America, but the fact is there are serious institutionalized issues facing our society. And its not just minorities, when you are not critical of the people in power then you are giving your rights away.
Also are we all going to just pretend like black people are not committing a disproportionate amount of crime? You are aware that most people in prison in the USA are black right?
Why do you always want to point the finger at the white man, how about make a campaign to actually lower black criminal activity?
The mainstream media also perpetuate this race war sh*t stirring stuff, I have noticed that from the mainstream media. They will always try to create conflict in a passive aggressive way. Trying to scare people by misrepresenting things.
Again, how about they actually create a campaign to lower black crime? Not just a campaign that complains about a bad result of all the crime itself. If you don't target the root cause then you are just wasting your time, it's endless sh*t stirring in fact. Just more BS from the media.
White people are convicted of more crimes in this country than black people. However you wouldn't know it because of the media. How many white people do you see committing crimes on the 6p news daily? Educate yourself.
@battlefront23: what a load of shit. There are more poor white people than the total number of black people that even live in the usa. You folks have been sold a line of bullshit that obviously has nothing to do with reality.
False. Link from the 2013 Census. Natives Americans and Alaskan take the number one spot and blacks follow very closely. What Battlefront said makes sense: Poverty, lack of education, and lack of social mobility often times creates an environment for crime.
Unfortunately, both sides focus on the symptoms and not the root of the problem.
your link says 11% or around 27 million whites are under the poverty line so i was wrong because it is half the total black population but still if poverty is the reason then why are the crime numbers so wildly out of proportion? the number of poor whites versus poor blacks is what? over double?
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