Personally, I'm hoping for a direct hit by a large asteroid in that region of the world.
You do realize that would f*ck all of us right?
medium sized asteroid?This topic is locked from further discussion.
Personally, I'm hoping for a direct hit by a large asteroid in that region of the world.
You do realize that would f*ck all of us right?
medium sized asteroid?Actually, if they were in the 15th century before Wahhabism, they wouldnt be this extremeIt will be a cold day in hell when that area of the world finally comes to a revelation and exits the 15th century.
same here, i'm used to see woman driving although their drivingskill is another debate :P
:lol: ....Yes that is a whole other issue...
And the backwards thinking is not just in Saudi Arabia......No need to be politically correct.[QUOTE="worlock77"][QUOTE="junglist101"]
Personally, I'm hoping for a direct hit by a large asteroid in that region of the world.
You do realize that would f*ck all of us right?
medium sized asteroid?I think it's pretty clean that he has in mind an asteroid large enough to do some significant damage to the region. In which case it would be large enough to do significant damage to life all around the planet.
medium sized asteroid?[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="worlock77"]
You do realize that would f*ck all of us right?
I think it's pretty clean that he has in mind an asteroid large enough to do some significant damage to the region. In which case it would be large enough to do significant damage to life all around the planet.
surely there must be a properly sized asteroid to do significant damage to just an area?[QUOTE="worlock77"][QUOTE="Jandurin"] medium sized asteroid?Jandurin
I think it's pretty clean that he has in mind an asteroid large enough to do some significant damage to the region. In which case it would be large enough to do significant damage to life all around the planet.
surely there must be a properly sized asteroid to do significant damage to just an area?There is this shop near my house where you can set the exact specifications and within a week' s time you get your asteroid. Spending an extra 10% of the price and you can carve your name on it.
[QUOTE="GazaAli"]Now you are going to accuse men that want a virgin bride of being pedophiles? :roll:ZevianderI'm asking a serious question. Why wouldn't someone want a partner with experience? What is so important about virginity, that religious folk feel the need to even go as far as sewing shut the hymen of young girls just to preserve their "innocence"? In a day and age where sex has become something more than a means of reproduction and taboo left to the privacy of the bedroom... what value does being a virgin carry? This is assuming safe sex is practiced. I honestly can't see how anyone would find the appeal of virginity to be a weird thing. Sure you may not agree or see the logic, but its no mystery. Some people have different social and moral values that they feel sex is a sacred act that should only be done between life long partners. Religion and social norms of course influence these values, but its no mystery that is the point.
[QUOTE="Zeviander"][QUOTE="GazaAli"]Now you are going to accuse men that want a virgin bride of being pedophiles? :roll:GazaAliI'm asking a serious question. Why wouldn't someone want a partner with experience? What is so important about virginity, that religious folk feel the need to even go as far as sewing shut the hymen of young girls just to preserve their "innocence"? In a day and age where sex has become something more than a means of reproduction and taboo left to the privacy of the bedroom... what value does being a virgin carry? This is assuming safe sex is practiced. I honestly can't see how anyone would find the appeal of virginity to be a weird thing. Sure you may not agree or see the logic, but its no mystery. Some people have different social and moral values that they feel sex is a sacred act that should only be done between life long partners. Religion and social norms of course influence these values, but its no mystery that is the point.
I swear im starting to think we are fken different human beings than the rest of the world.
Smiling to someone who calls your mom a b!tch is 'evolution' and,
wanting a partner with experience is 'better'.
I honestly can't see how anyone would find the appeal of virginity to be a weird thing. Sure you may not agree or see the logic, but its no mystery. Some people have different social and moral values that they feel sex is a sacred act that should only be done between life long partners. Religion and social norms of course influence these values, but its no mystery that is the point.[QUOTE="GazaAli"][QUOTE="Zeviander"] I'm asking a serious question. Why wouldn't someone want a partner with experience? What is so important about virginity, that religious folk feel the need to even go as far as sewing shut the hymen of young girls just to preserve their "innocence"? In a day and age where sex has become something more than a means of reproduction and taboo left to the privacy of the bedroom... what value does being a virgin carry? This is assuming safe sex is practiced.TehFuneral
I swear im starting to think we are fken different human beings than the rest of the world.
Smiling to someone who calls your mom a b!tch is 'evolution' and,
wanting a partner with experience is 'better'.
To me they're absurd values really, but to each his own.Some people have different social and moral values that they feel sex is a sacred act that should only be done between life long partners.GazaAliwhy
OH OH OH GAZA ARE YOU A VIRGIN same question @ tehfuneralJandurin
what's wrong for them to be a virgin? are they going to die early or something?
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]OH OH OH GAZA ARE YOU A VIRGIN same question @ tehfuneralpunkpunker
what's wrong for them to be a virgin? are they going to die early or something?
what[QUOTE="Zeviander"][QUOTE="GazaAli"]Now you are going to accuse men that want a virgin bride of being pedophiles? :roll:GazaAliI'm asking a serious question. Why wouldn't someone want a partner with experience? What is so important about virginity, that religious folk feel the need to even go as far as sewing shut the hymen of young girls just to preserve their "innocence"? In a day and age where sex has become something more than a means of reproduction and taboo left to the privacy of the bedroom... what value does being a virgin carry? This is assuming safe sex is practiced. I honestly can't see how anyone would find the appeal of virginity to be a weird thing. Sure you may not agree or see the logic, but its no mystery. Some people have different social and moral values that they feel sex is a sacred act that should only be done between life long partners. Religion and social norms of course influence these values, but its no mystery that is the point. i think the strangeness is that the sacredness of sex is taking priority over the sacredness of the whole freaking person..
your way kind of implies that you think your morals/way of living is the correct one which is kind of arrogantJandurinI love diversity, I really do. I want to have someone different than me, but I want to share the same CORE values.
[QUOTE="GazaAli"][QUOTE="comp_atkins"] i think the strangeness is that the sacredness of sex is taking priority over the sacredness of the whole freaking person.. comp_atkinshow? sewing someone up so they remain pure?! the hell? limiting a person's right to operate an automobile because it may lead to less virginity? the hell? the focus is so hard an allowing a man to have a pure woman that the woman's rights are ignored.. That is obviously absurd and it was not related to the point I made.
just like we all doGazaAlidon't lump me in with you guys i obviously have some core values like don't harm people and don't be a lazy ass all day erry day but the rest are pretty flexible
i will never get the deal with holding up virgins as the ultimate goal to reach for.
is it really that important that nobody know what an inconsiderate lover you are or that you are not hung very well?
is it just a power trip?
i mean, what does it really say about you when your entire paradise fantasy is all about getting virgins?
a timid clumsy fumbling encounter with a nervous and somewhat frightened girl in pain is really your idea of paradise?
that is just all kinds of messed up.
no need for pain or timidity with enough vodka!a timid clumsy fumbling encounter with a nervous and somewhat frightened girl in pain is really your idea of paradise?
Some people have different social and moral values that they feel sex is a sacred act that should only be done between life long partners. Religion and social norms of course influence these values, but its no mystery that is the point.GazaAliThey are stupid values. Sex is the ultimate expression of love and intimacy for a partner. How does making a legal commitment for life change anything between those partners that should magically allow them to start having sex? No sex before marriage is a method of birth control, there is nothing truly moral or ethical about it in an age of knowledge about how pregnancy occurs, how to keep it from happening (reliably), and how to prevent the spread of dangerous STI's. Sex has had these artificial regulations placed upon it because, somehow, indulging responsibly in passion and physical pleasure is a bad thing. I hold sex to be sacred too. I share it monogamously with the woman I love with all my heart. It is the ultimate expression of love, passion and tenderness that we can share with one another. A legal document conferring us tax benefits for children would not in any way make us more in love. Edit: Fixed double negative.
Someone's using ridiculous generalization; you have no idea what I believe. If I think the coolest color in the world is blue, that's totally my prerogative. My belief in the coolness of blue does not demean another person's belief in the supremacy of red. I respect the fact that others may not perceive things in the same manner as I, but as an individual, I also have my own ideas which the group may or may not share. SilentFireXwhat does any of this have to do with anything i said
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