So if a woman is raped and gets pregnant, what does that mean?
It means she enjoyed it.
[spoiler] To the morons: I'm not serious. [/spoiler]
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So it's starting to piss me off how the statement by Rep Todd Akin is being taken so out of context. By legitimate, he is implying "real" not "justified". Here's the actual quote: "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try and shut that whole thing down". And so we have feminists and radicals on the left trying to make this out to be an all out attack on women. He is an idiot, has no grasp of biology, and I am amazed (well, not really, this is America afterall) that he was elected to office, but he IS NOT and mysogynist, at least not from what is evident from his statement. And yet I have seen bullsh*t opinion articles like this one
which are nothing more than feminist hate-mongering.
You nitwit.
I think it's irrelevant, as he's advocating legislation that would force a woman who was raped to carry her rapist's offspring to term. I think what he's advocating is worse than what he's saying - which is saying a lot.mattbbplFor the sake of argument, why should a woman's right to have an abortion depend in any way whatsoever on whether or not she was raped? I's still her body, right? Does a pregnant woman who isn't a rape victim somehow have less of a say in how she uses her body? If abortion is fine for rape victims, then it should be just as fine for women who aren't rape victims.
but in no way does he say that rape is in any form permissable.Tokugawa77
He thinks that if it's legitimate rape, then the female body prevents pregnancy by shutting down, so to speak. That means that forced impregnation isn't rape in his view. Now do you get it?
My point still stands, however. The media has made such a big deal out of this by conviniently editing his statement to seem more controversial than it is. I take issue with them demonizing him as a mysogynist. If you're going to demonize him, demonize him as ignorant. What's the difference? Well, it matters why he is hated. The key is that when his comment is refered to, it is called the "legitimate rape" comment. This is done to create a false impression, obviously, to give the impression of his support of some types of rape. I can guarentee you that if he had said, "actual rape" instead, this would not have half the coverage as it does now. It was his poor choice of words that ignited this sh*tstorm.
I agree, with what you're saying. The media likes to slant and spin every story that it can. Some networks are more guilty(FoxNews) than others. I will make an exception for this case though. Because of the rape controversy. "Forcible Rape" was removed from H.R. 3: No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. Which passed the house. Every GOP rep supported the act except for five. The five of them did not submit a vote. While 16 democrats supported it. The other 175 voted no.
I just thought legitimate rape = real rape and illegitimate rape = the girl is lying about being raped. Silenthps
There's already a distinction: rape vs. consensual sex. Trying to define varying degrees of rape via legitimate, forced, etc. is indicative of misogyny or ignorance/stupidity. I don't want my elected officials being either of those things, and I will ridicule the people of Missouri if they elect this clown to the Senate.
[QUOTE="mattbbpl"]I think it's irrelevant, as he's advocating legislation that would force a woman who was raped to carry her rapist's offspring to term. I think what he's advocating is worse than what he's saying - which is saying a lot.MrGeezerFor the sake of argument, why should a woman's right to have an abortion depend in any way whatsoever on whether or not she was raped? I's still her body, right? Does a pregnant woman who isn't a rape victim somehow have less of a say in how she uses her body? If abortion is fine for rape victims, then it should be just as fine for women who aren't rape victims. Personally, I agree. I make the distinction because the majority of people who want abortion to be illegal still make exceptions for rape. Most people find the idea of forcing a woman to carry her attacker's child to term particularly heinous.
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