So, Racism, oppression ,and unequal laws cause Drop Outs, Single Parent Households, Obesity, Diabetes, Poverty, and incarceration? I don't think you can blame all that on something that happened Decades ago. What "Unequal Laws" are we talking about anyways? I'd say all of these are user error.
The environment in which one grows up plays a huge role in the person whom one ultimately becomes. One may change one's course if one has the will to do so, yes - but where does that will come from? It tends to be a vicious cycle: an environment in which education is not highly encouraged, in which marriages tend to fail, and in which people are poor and prone to criminal behavior is also an environment that will produce people who are poorly educated, who do not try hard at marriage, and who are poor and prone to criminal behavior. In that sense, the specter of racism still looms over the black community: even though the bonds that shackled them down have long since been lifted, their effects on that community linger on. To say that they need to just get over it or whatever is to completely ignore all of the effects that such things have on a person's psyche.
Here's the sad thing, while I agree with you in that it has an effect (it's not solely responsible, mind you, but it is a major effect), the question is what causes the almost defeatist mindset that leads to one accepting mediocrity?environment
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