Any person that does a hate crime should be killed.
Any person that does a hate speech should serve 10 years in jail.
Any person that has solid evidence of a parent raising their kids to be racist, the correct authorities will have the parents stripped of their parenting rights and the kids will be orphans.
I mean seriously, I am so sick and tired of racism slipping throught the cracks. We need to eliminate it forever.
Im a cashier and Im tired of these stupid self righteous butt cracks putting the money on the table instead of my hand. And when I have to give them back their change they expect me to give the money in their hands. What a bunch of idiots!
The media is not helping at all, by reinforcing stereotypes, hardly EVER having inter-racial relationships in commercials, and those damn comedy shows. Lisa Lambinelli for some reason since shes dating a black man thinks she can say the n word? F that!
I am so tired of these stupid rappers too! Self degradingthemselves by throwing around the n word loosely. They deserve a punch to the face by reality.
Stupid sites like youtube, almost every video targeted to a black audience will have racist comments by idiots in it! Youtube doesnt even censor all racial slurs!!! Its as if they dont care!
See what I mean by racism slipping through the cracks?
What I really think is that a pretty powerful group of people DONT want racism abolished, because it could be.
In my WHOLE school career, none of my teachers really went in-depth about the times of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Thank god I had a teacher that showed us REAL videos of what went on in the 1940s-1960s! It was so horrible! And I can hardly believe my dad was born in 1955!! Those vids really opened my eyes!
Im done. Thoughts???
What a pile of crap....Lets cease being human then. Moron
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