A typical day for me: wake up between 6am and 9am (all depends on wheny niece wakes up)
Go let her out of her room and set up her cartoons and drink and such.
Take the puppies outside one at a time. Have to keep one locked up while the other is outside, otherwise the one outside wont go to the bathroom.
Once they hqve both done their business I let them out of their cages.
Replace their water from yesterday with some fresh clean water.
Fill their food bowl
Then I just watch tv/browse the net.
Refill my nieces cup when needed. Get her some food when shes hungry
Take the puppies out when needed.
Straighten up the kitchen.
More tv/net. More taking care of my niece.
Parents get home arounx 5pm. Chat with them a bit.
More tv/net. Niece.
Depending whats for dinner, either I cook it or my dad does.
Come 8:30pm my niece isnt allowed her tablet or watch videos on the computer. Time for her to get her pajamas on and go get her story before bed.
Put her to bed around 9pm.
Put the puppies to bed around the same time
Clean the kitchen
Descend to my room. Drink some alcohol and watch tv/browse the net.
Usually go to bed around 2am.
Rinse and repeat.
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