[QUOTE="homegirl2180"][QUOTE="-Murdock-"]Try Goodfella's, Little Miss Sunshine, Fight Club, Sin City, American Psycho, Spaceballs, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Bad Boy Bubby, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Full Metal Jacket, and Follow that Bird.
Some are comedies, otheres are must haves, but I promise you'll love almost everyone of the films I suggested. Otherwise, your list is more of a 5/10. Fine for a guy your age...assuming you're a guy.
I like your style. 8)
Thanks, but they're generally total guy movies and being a film student doesn't hurt either. Oh and Pan's Labyrinth was great (your icon). My classmate is very good friends with Doug Jones, the actor who portrayed Pan and the Pale man in that movie. A shameless plug, he also will be playing the Silver Surfer in the new Fantastic Four movie. This one actually looks decent.
Yeah, Pan's Labyrinth is one of my personal faves. I like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind a lot as well. That's kind of cool you know someone who knows the actor of Pan from Pan's Labyrinth. And as for the new Fantastic Four movie, maybe it will be decent but I was really disappointed to see that there's really no signs of Galactus, Devourer of Worlds, actually being in the movie, which is the actual threat, and not so much the Silver Surfer.
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