This is one of the best movies the past decade due to its style and its incredibly REALISTIC portrayal of humanity on the verge of collapse. What do you guys think of this movie?
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I'm gonna give it a 4/5.
It did have its flaws and it always sort of grated on my nerves how there was never even the suggestion of an explanation for why no one could have any kids.
But it was ****ing solid. A dark and mature science fiction movie that held back on the cheese-factor and concentrated on the effects that it had on PEOPLE. It was very much a mature movie about people in the pit of despair and hopelessness, and in that way it worked great.
Then add in a few SUPERBLY shot riveting action scenes. The first car attack scene was great. I can endlessly take pleasure in watching the action scene where the bad guys are slowly chasing a car which is slowly rolling down a hill. And that final 11 minute long seamless trek through the battlefield, and the way that it culminated in a profound statement of humanity...that was just phenomenal.
Not a masterpiece or anything, but it's good ****. More to the point, it is what science fiction should so often aspire to do, and yet rarely ever does. The best science fiction almost always uses futuristic settings and plot-devices as a way of shedding light on the timeless nature of humanity. I don't know if Children of Men accomplished that, but it certainly tried, and for that I respect the hell out of it.
Great concept and stunning shots and execution.
Great acting.
While it is fiction, everything is portrayed around very realistic and plausible human condition under the circumstances.
The movie isn't about why women cannot have children. I am glad it didn't explain it. This isn't about-the-science movie and no explanation is required.
5/5 one of the best films of the last 5 years imo.
The shots were absolutely outstanding, cannot say that enough.
5/5, excellent and very touching. I cried when
[spoiler] they walked out of the warzone with the baby crying. It was amazing. [/spoiler]
3/5 I would've given it a higher rating, but I didn't like the pacing in the movie to much. Great concepts and acting, and a good story.
It was just a movie of them running around for 2 hours, and then at the end nothing got resolved. You didn't even find out why no one could have children.
To be fair, the acting, dialogue, and cinematography was fairly good and the action was decent.
Edit: Just wanted to say, how can these forums think that Avatar is garbage and Children of Men is great?
It was just a movie of them running around for 2 hours, and then at the end nothing got resolved. You didn't even find out why no one could have children.
To be fair, the acting, dialogue, and cinematography was fairly good and the action was decent.
You missed the whole point of the movie. It's not about why women were infertile and what is the cure. It's about humanity at its worst during desperate times that we forget what really matters the most.
Just wanted to say, how can these forums think that Avatar is garbage and Children of Men is great?Acemaster27
Avatar is Pocahontas except less interesting. You'd think that after LOTR people would know how to make epic final battle scenes. The build-up, the epic spech before battle against overwhelming odds was non-existent in Avatar. The climax was rushed and ended abruptly.
Yeah I loved it, the camera trick that makes it look like a one shot go kind of style. Its all chaotic and raise my question throughout, but the biggest question was answered at the very end.. eh not gonna spoil you know what it is if you watched it.
Loved the camera work :) and story. 5/5
It was just a movie of them running around for 2 hours, and then at the end nothing got resolved. You didn't even find out why no one could have children.
To be fair, the acting, dialogue, and cinematography was fairly good and the action was decent.
You missed the whole point of the movie. It's not about why women were infertile and what is the cure. It's about humanity at its worst during desperate times that we forget what really matters the most.
That may be so, but I spent the whole movie wondering about the infertility, and building up to whatever the possible twist at the end would be, and then there was nothing. I was left with the credits. Kind of like being left with blue balls.
5/5 I agree that it was probably one of the best films of the last decade. Maybe in the top 20 for me.
But not Cuarons best film. His best film is Y Tu Mama Tambien (one of top 10 best of the last decade IMO).
A four. The movie could have gone on a bit longer in my opinion, and the characters could have been fleshed out a bit more, but it is a fantastic achievement in almost every respect of being a film.
3.5/5 Impressive on a technical level (particularly the tracking shot at the end), but I didn't find the story very compelling. The lack of explanation on birth kind of annoyed me.sammyjenkis898
Well the reason there was no explanation is because nobody even knew! Though, even if they did, I don't feel an explanation would add anything to the film, that's not what it's about. It's about the EFFECTS.
I rate the film a 4/5.
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