Some people you encounter on the internet aren't the nicest of people (insert captain obvious image). Sometimes you'll see a perfectly reasonable thread, or a fairly straight-forward topic, yet there'll always be that poster who replies with a hostile little quip, or a comment drenched in sarcasm and pretentiousness.Other times posters are really immature. They'll make jokes about really tragic events. Or they'll post just to get a rise out of people.And i cant help but wonder; what are people like in real life who post like this? :P If i encounter a really sarcastic, demeaning, intellectually-superior sort of post for example, i'll immediately picture somebody with no social life, no real friends, with a huge sense of insecurity about them. If someone is blatantly trolling, i nearly always picture a child or a young teenager.What about you guys? Is real life you a reflection of internet you, or rather do you adopt a persona when on the internet? Some people are very shy in real life, but quite outgoing when interacting with others on the interwebs.I'd add a poll but i cant. :(
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