Philosophy was "science 2.0" right after religion was "science 1.0" all dogmatic, all seeking to beat people over the head to "believe" with Mythbusters and Dr Oz being the new bully pulpits.
Measuremeant, examination and trial-and-error all existed for thousands of years before "science" and will exist long after we move to a new religion like "Trans-humanism" or whatever.
What you chodes refuse to accept out of fear and loathing is that man is not apart from nature but is in fact a creature belonging to it.
We can examine things all day long out of curiosity, like chimps poking things with sticks, but nothing will change the basic realities we live under, and the fact that our biggest enemy is the societies we have created that try to control us and seek to penalize us if we stray from their norms.
Where once non-believers in religion were punished, now non-believers in "science" are punished, for refusing to vaccinate their children or refusing to promote whatever society/govt thinks is a good idea this week.
All the while the foundations of secular society are becoming unsustainable, Disneyland is straining at the seams as the pundits discuss "the economy" and how our wonderful science-based society can avoid faceplanting into reality.
You seem to be having a tenuous grasp on what science is. The mythbusters aren't the standard by which new axioms are formed nor are their "experiments" paradigm shifting in their results, and Dr. Oz is medical physician; neither of their opinions are given much consideration.
Well, that's true enough. But, transhumanism isn't, nor will it be, a religion.
Whom in this thread made the claim that man is unto himself? That humans are independent from their surroundings? Because I sure as hell didn't.
Society can only control you as long as you're compliant with it's rules and are dependent on the securities it affords.
I don't know why you're making the case that religion and science are anathema to each other. It's a false dichotomy. As I've said before, science is not a doctrine. Science also doesn't exclude whether the workings of the supernatural carry any affect in the natural world. There is nothing to stake belief in, as these are matters of fact; not matters of faith.
Humans have never been as prosperous, nor have they been so intellectually inclined, as they have been in these secular societies. They're not perfect and without flaws. Those that do believe that any given society is the pinnacle of human achievement, have a skewed world-view. Majority of these pundits you are alluding to are religious.
Science is the religion of rationalism, which seeks to extend into every facet of human life the mantra, "Don't feel, measure."
Examination and measurements have always existed, but were balanced and in touch with our humanity and intuition, now seek to strip that intuition and replace everything with numbers and statistics.
By this is assumed that "Science knows better than your instinct."
My instinct tells me I should kiss a girl, science tells me that kissing a guy is the same thing, a hole is a hole, what's the difference, but fail to take into account all the complexities of being human, the hopes and aspirations, animal drives and motivations.
This is man playing God unto himself.
Religion -> Philosophy -> Science; these are all the same thing and a progression of each other, an attempt to structure and control the condition and context of our examinations and measurements. Just like Galileo was threatened for saying that the Earth revolves around the Sun, others are threatened for saying things that are not politically correct in the modern world like "boys are better at math" or "blacks have low IQ." It's not about taking measurements, it's about using the ones that support our worldviews and discarding the ones that don't.
Measurement of "human prosperity" are similarly filtered through an "of course we're prosperous, don't be silly" lense. Assets backed by wealth that doesn't exist represented in fiat currency paint a picture that's positively rosy. Inflation is %2 but gas is $5 and you're stepping over bums on the train. We're the richest country in the world and $16 trillion in debt.
The name of the game is lies, damned lies and statistics.
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