[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"][QUOTE="Jacobistheman"] my thoughts exactly. If I had 200k or more I would have no objection to it. That negligable increase keeps my fellow americans employed and taken care of, I am all for it.
You do realize that 75 % of the "People" making over 250k a year, are really a sole proprietorship small business where the majority of the money goes right back into the business. You are hurting the stock market, destroying jobs, and killing the economy by taxing the rich. http://app1.sba.gov/faqs/faqindex.cfm?areaID=15[/QUOTE]hyperbole and overreaction
I dont think anyone realizes just how little they are being taxed. This is not a black and white situation: its not "let us profit, or tax us to death". In reality its more like "well, you had a really good year, you can spare an insignificant amount of that profit for your fellow countrymen". No one will hurt from this, period. The people making 250+k a year are not going to wake up a month later and be like "Oh no, where did my money go! Damn you, socialism!"
My boss is one of those guys you spoke about, a small business owner. He diverts a huge amount of his funds into the business, and he is in favor of this plan. Why? Because he sees it as a selfless act, and he straight up told me that it is not a significant increase over what the government is taking out already. If this plan goes through, a lot of good can occur, for example:
1. I dont lose my job (you forgot to mention that any funds diverted into a business count as a tax writeoff)
2. I get an extra 40 bucks or so per paycheck
3. I get health insurance; I currently do not have it, my boss feels guilty about it, but the business cannot afford it. If I get health insurance this is one less thing my employer needs to pay for.
I dont want to sound too self-rightous or whatever but the only bad thing about this plan is the fact that the rich actually had to be forced into doing it. The least they could do is not complain about it.
they shouldn't have to do it. if they want to, donate the money to a charity or give their employees a bonus or something. the rich work hard to get where they are, why should they be forced to give money to those who don't work as hard as they do to become rich? and $40 a paycheck? the rebate is $400 a year for singles, $800 for couples. and if you get health insurance (i'm assuming you're talking about universal healthcare) your boss WILL pay for it, it's funded by taxpayers money! the enormous amount of money for that doesn't come out of thin air.http://blog.al.com/businessnews/2009/02/obamatax_cuts_will_be_felt_by.html
Yes, my boss will pay for it. You will pay for it. I will pay for it. Everyone will pay for it. And thats fine, taxes are fine...taxes are good. Misuse of taxes, however, is a crime. Healthcare for an entire country, however, is an awesome use of taxes.
And please do not tell me the rich work hard. While some do, from my experience most dont. A car dealership manager often makes 100+k a year, and for what? To talk people into buying cars? How is that hard work? Meanwhile Im busting my ass, doing a physical job with no healthcare, making 10 bucks an hour. At the end of the month I usually have about 100 bucks, which I either save or spend. But thats besides the point here.
Listen, I can sympathize with your perspective. If I were rich I would not want to be taxed more.
But Im not, and I cant empathize. I am underpaid, underutilized, and right now I am pretty much open to any idea that helps me and anyone in my situation out.
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