[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]So if you don't want to get a job making more money, stop complaining about the job you have now.Because:
1. I am an introvert (shy, quiet, etc)
2. I cant BS worth a damn. Salesmen, well, they dont lie, but they definately spin the truth and lie by omission. I see it every damn day of my life, specifically at my job.
3. I just dont want to live my life selling cars. I am a builder, and artist, a creator...I want to make the cars, not sell them. Leave that for the less talented folks :P
4. I am not vain. The simple fact is that the sales industry is extremely superficial. I, however, dont really care about my appearance. I dress for practicality.
Sales people do not have to work hard to make a lot of money. I am not saying most dont work hard, what I am saying is that they dont have to. They just take their natural born gift for smooth talking, a good dose of charisma, and talk their way to money.
because I should not be forced into taking a job I loathe (anyone can overcome the four points I listed above if they chose to) simply to receive benefits I should have as a tax-paying citizen of this country. And when did I say I hate my job? I love my job. I made peace with the fact that I wont make a lot of money out of it a long time ago.
many of my friends from college made that mistake: they took jobs one is supposed to take after graduation, earning a salary a college grad is supposed to make, and many of them have quit those jobs for completely valid reasons. An engineer friend quit because he didnt like the environmental approach his company took towards oil drilling; another did not like manipulatng the truth in order to dupe customers...the list goes on.
in short, no one should have to sell their soul, happiness, whatever, simply to get things our government should be providing for us. I am not asking for 100k a year. Hell, I am not even asking for 30k! I just want the government to look after its people and serve them; people forget that its our goverment, we should (ideally) get our money back in various forms.
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