Good luck
@Wickerman777 said:
Why the hell you people care about this stuff is beyond me. Exactly how does illegal immigration from Mexico or Muslim immigration from the middle east make YOUR life better? Is it because the talking heads on TV tell you that you should feel that way? I understand why a Muslim wants it and I understand why Mexicans want it. But for the life of me I cannot wrap my head around where the logic is for a white kid in a suburb screaming to the heavens "OMG I'm just gonna die if we don't get more Muslims in here!" Mexicans are not pleading for more whites, Muslims are not begging for more Christians, yet you guys ... Someone has got to be nuts here and I just cannot believe that the overwhelming majority of the planet that isn't begging and pleading for foreign immigration are the crazy ones and the tiny minority of the globe that is white people (Just 5% of the population) whom act as though every time a foreigner enters their land an angel gets its wings are the only sane ones. It's one thing to not be against immigration but I see white kids at these protests actually bawling their eyes out when immigration is brought up and it's freaking weird! They look as though this ain't just an opinion for them but some kind of religious belief.
Well, let's look at some points:
1. The US is a nation of immigrants. Not just white European ones, but black ones as well. Asians, too. And let's not forget the American Indians that were here first, as well; they welcomed immigrants initially. Immigration, legal or illegal, is an American value as old and as true as the nation itself.
2. I could care less what a Mexican in Mexico thinks of US immigration to Mexico. What does that have to do with me? Or a Muslim (not that we are letting "Muslims" in, I'm pretty sure we are letting "Arabs" in...), for that matter. This isn't a give one, take one process; we don't "exchange" immigrants as if we somehow lose something by taking on an immigrant so we need to sell an immigrant to balance it out, no one "owes" us anything.
3. As for why a white person wants it, it's called equality. OK, prepare yourself for a bit of holier than thou...but some of us like to think beyond ourselves, maybe think of the big picture, yeah? Maybe we see the world in the cosmic scheme of things? Maybe the world is a big beautiful grey color and not just black and white (mostly white, if some people had their way) as some would think. Maybe we think back on our great grand parents and the opportunities afforded to them as immigrants and would like to see them passed on to others?
4. Why is it so crazy to be upset over draconian immigration laws? Why is demonstrating sympathy--nay, empathy!--such a terrible quality to you? The world is a beautiful place, but it can also be cruel: for those of us lucky enough to have won the genetic lottery of being any combination of white/middle-class-or-wealthier/male/American (pick any two or more), it's important to thrust yourself into the shoes of others not so lucky in order to see the ugly side of life.
And it's not an opinion, and it's not a religious belief. It's a fact that shit is going down the drain in this country, we are going back to the 1950's. We are literally setting the clock back to the time where the country started going to shit, except we are already shit, so now it's double shit.
And you ask why people cry?
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