I'm wondering if anyone actually read the article:
"The five-day retreat near Bath is already fully booked. On top of cooking, hiking and canoeing, activities for campers include a competition to disprove the existence of the mythical unicorn - with the winner receiving a £10 note on which Dawkins, the author of The God Delusion, has signed his name.
"The organiser, Samantha Stein, said the camp was not only for the offspring of atheists or 'irreligious' parents. 'It is a secular alternative open to children of parents of all faiths and none,' she said.
"'It is not about changing what they think, but the way that they think. There is very little that attacks religion; we are not a rival to religious camps.'
"The £275 all-inclusive adventure break is supported, Stein says, by a one-off donation from the Richard Dawkins Foundation, but he is not personally involved.
"Camp Quest UK's website says its counsellors and volunteers will lead activities teaching eight to 17-year-olds 'about science, free thought and humanist principles. Activities cover critical thinking, science, history, human rights and ethics'."
To be honest, if it's as advertised, I might even be interested in it if I were a little younger.
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