"I think I'm turning into a lurker. :shock:" harashawnI'll save you!!.......So.........how's it going?That's not a very good way to start a conversation in RC. :( I'm atraccted to clowns:o!JK:P
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"I think I'm turning into a lurker. :shock:" harashawnI'll save you!!.......So.........how's it going?That's not a very good way to start a conversation in RC. :( I'm atraccted to clowns:o!JK:P
I didn't break it, idk what happened :( but alot of the strings are messed up. I'm sad.ethanpaigeI bet, I also bet it won't be cheap to fix. :(
[QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"]If nothing else, it would be fun to watch. I can see it now. Lesser modlings quietly stepping aside and kissing the ground you walk on. Low ranking moderators carefully avoiding rousing your ire lest you lead a forum rebellion. Senior mods idly pretending not to notice your distinction from the regular forumites. :Pdouble_deckerDon't tempt me, they said 100K couldn't be done ;) :lol:He could be Gamespot's spokesperson, like Jared is for Subway. :lol:
He could be Gamespot's spokesperson, like Jared is for Subway. :lol:Travo_basicYeah, but I don't have to lose weight like he did do I? :P
it's not just 100K
its 121K
thats a lot:shock:
You're telling me, do you have any idea how many times I have clicked "Submit" a post? :o I don't know, but fastesttruck is trying to catch up!:P[QUOTE="harashawn"][QUOTE="NintendoLover00"] I'll save you!!.......So.........how's it going?That's not a very good way to start a conversation in RC. :( I'm atraccted to clowns:o!JK:P I'm attracted to goths (only female ones).. and they're like clowns. :PNintendoLover00
[QUOTE="double_decker"][QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"]If nothing else, it would be fun to watch. I can see it now. Lesser modlings quietly stepping aside and kissing the ground you walk on. Low ranking moderators carefully avoiding rousing your ire lest you lead a forum rebellion. Senior mods idly pretending not to notice your distinction from the regular forumites. :PTravo_basicDon't tempt me, they said 100K couldn't be done ;) :lol:He could be Gamespot's spokesperson, like Jared is for Subway. :lol:
jared wants a doughnut but subway would be a hit on him if he eats one:P
it's not just 100K
its 121K
thats a lot:shock:
You're telling me, do you have any idea how many times I have clicked "Submit" a post? :o 121338 times?[QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"]If nothing else, it would be fun to watch. I can see it now. Lesser modlings quietly stepping aside and kissing the ground you walk on. Low ranking moderators carefully avoiding rousing your ire lest you lead a forum rebellion. Senior mods idly pretending not to notice your distinction from the regular forumites. :Pdouble_deckerDon't tempt me, they said 100K couldn't be done ;) :lol: I wonder if they'd have to recode the site to accommodate. Like when they had to recode for Y2K. Would they need to go in and adjust the code to add an extra value or would you be forever stuck on 999,999 posts?
[QUOTE="munchlax99"]Yep8) Your a muchlax! Your gonna be fatter then me some day:o.:P Ever seen a walrus up close? Those things are biiiiiigg.you're a walrus:o
[QUOTE="Travo_basic"]He could be Gamespot's spokesperson, like Jared is for Subway. :lol:double_deckerYeah, but I don't have to lose weight like he did do I? :PNo, but the will make you go on tour. Hey, you could compete with the highest posters from other forum sites. I wonder who really has the highest post count on the internet?
[QUOTE="munchlax99"]Yep8) Your a muchlax! Your gonna be fatter then me some day:o.:Pyou're a walrus:o
i wish i could change my name to munch99
i stop posting for 5 mins and 53 new posts? bah im outta here, later folksGTR2addictthat's actually not too bad for RC
[QUOTE="NintendoLover00"][QUOTE="munchlax99"]Yep8) Your a muchlax! Your gonna be fatter then me some day:o.:P Ever seen a walrus up close? Those things are biiiiiigg.you're a walrus:o
maybe if i go to sea world
I'm atraccted to clowns:o!JK:PI'm attracted to goths (only female ones).. and they're like clowns. :P Haha, I was just watchin the twilight episode of South Park where the goths get mad at the vamp kids :lol:. If you wanna pick one up just go to Hot Topic.:P[QUOTE="NintendoLover00"][QUOTE="harashawn"] That's not a very good way to start a conversation in RC. :( harashawn
it's not just 100K
its 121K
thats a lot:shock:
You're telling me, do you have any idea how many times I have clicked "Submit" a post? :o 121338 times?This is Glitchspot, probably one and a half times that number. :Pi just noticed your avatar is dancing to my music :PHuh, weird. O_o Was that directed at me or someone else? :?oh and theyre called graphic novels....sheeshh *raises glasses*legend26
Pay your friends to do your work for you. It's expensive, but safer.Travo_basicWell, the catch to that is, is that I need to do work to get the money in the first place. Plus my friends are pansies.
I don't know, but fastesttruck is trying to catch up!:PNintendoLover00Yeah, I was hoping he had passed me already, when I came back he was really close but hadn't made it yet, now he's dropped out of sight but I'm sure he will be back to pass me eventually
121338 times?ethanpaigeI don't know, I lost count :cry:
I wonder if they'd have to recode the site to accommodate. Like when they had to recode for Y2K. Would they need to go in and adjust the code to add an extra value or would you be forever stuck on 999,999 posts? nocoolnamejimI'd probably save them the trouble and just tell them to reset it instead of having to recode for it :lol: but if I ever did make it there it wouldn't be for alot of years, I have to work, and video games to play and some outside time too, they'd have to pay me for me to do it in a fast manner because I'd have to quit work for such an undertaking :lol:
Ever seen a walrus up close? Those things are biiiiiigg.[QUOTE="ethanpaige"][QUOTE="NintendoLover00"] Yep8) Your a muchlax! Your gonna be fatter then me some day:o.:Pmunchlax99
maybe if i go to sea world
They have one of the largest parts of any animals that only a man has.*wink wink*:P[QUOTE="ethanpaige"][QUOTE="double_decker"] You're telling me, do you have any idea how many times I have clicked "Submit" a post? :oTravo_basic121338 times?This is Glitchspot, probably one and a half times that number. :P
i click sumbir probably 10 times while trying to post.
[QUOTE="munchlax99"][QUOTE="ethanpaige"] Ever seen a walrus up close? Those things are biiiiiigg.NintendoLover00
maybe if i go to sea world
They have one of the largest parts of any animals that only a man has.*wink wink*:Po god:P
No, but the will make you go on tour. Hey, you could compete with the highest posters from other forum sites. I wonder who really has the highest post count on the internet?Travo_basicI think some guy on IGN has me beat by alot, I doubt I am the fastest, actually Zoid is the fastest poster I have posted with when he gets going, he just lurks alot too.
Sounds good. Not much, really... nothing really going down except for my b-day this Friday and I start the Fall semester next month.zakkroAny big plans for your birthday? :o Mine is coming up soon too, the 5th of August.
[QUOTE="NintendoLover00"] If you wanna pick one up just go to Hot Topic.:Pharashawn"I don't think there is one near me. :( :P" I don't know where else they hang out:lol:.
i click sumbir probably 10 times while trying to post.
Alot of times that just makes it slower :PNope. :( Awesome! :ozakkroMe either, I'll probably just get drunk and sleep with my ex, it's an annual thing :lol:
[QUOTE="munchlax99"]Alot of times that just makes it slower :Pi click sumbir probably 10 times while trying to post.
wait i'll check
[QUOTE="zakkro"]Nope. :( Awesome! :odouble_deckerMe either, I'll probably just get drunk and sleep with my ex, it's an annual thing :lol: Haha good to know :P I don't think my girl would appreciate it if I did that :P
I'm getting ssooooooooooooooooo close to 1000 posts.NintendoLover00
i just got 4K like 20 minutes ago:)
also it is faster to click only once:P
[QUOTE="NintendoLover00"]I'm getting ssooooooooooooooooo close to 1000 posts.harashawnI'm getting close to 20K. :o I'm still waiting to get to 10k :(
I'm getting ssooooooooooooooooo close to 1000 posts.NintendoLover00Only 98 more times :P[QUOTE="munchlax99"]
wait i'll check
I don't have to check, at this point in the game I know already :P[QUOTE="zakkro"]Nope. :( Awesome! :odouble_deckerMe either, I'll probably just get drunk and sleep with my ex, it's an annual thing :lol:She sounds like a cool ex. :lol:
"I don't think there is one near me. :( :P"harashawnI don't know where else they hang out:lol:.Hmm.... movie theatre? :P It is dark, but I don't know of any movies out at the moment that they'd watch. Maybe they go to a theatre that shows old Tim Burton films.:P
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