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[QUOTE="julian_jr"]It's August! That means I got lots to look forward to!n-reAugust came so quickly! Things will start getting busy for me again. 8)classes are starting soon.
[QUOTE="jediknight52501"]classes are starting soon.julian_jrI already stated that lol. :P There's some other things that happen in August for me. like what?
[QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]This talk about school is making feel depressed. I'm so lost as to about what to do with my future.julian_jrWhat year are you in Exotic? You'll figure it out I'm sure! Senior and i'm trying to think about it but I think I messed up way too much for me to even get into a good medical profession.
[QUOTE="julian_jr"][QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]This talk about school is making feel depressed. I'm so lost as to about what to do with my future.ExoticAnimalWhat year are you in Exotic? You'll figure it out I'm sure! Senior and i'm trying to think about it but I think I messed up way too much for me to even get into a good medical profession. lol all this time I thought you had finished school, I feel so aware
Morning ot,
I have been out of the dating game to long. There is this girl who showing the signs of she likes me and i like her. And i have no clue what to say.
Should have been a Dexter RC. I bet that wouldn't have died :P fastesttruckNah, it should've been a Family Guy RC
i am too old for college.jediknight52501My mom is in nursing school right now so you're never to old :P How's rc today? Also The Lincoln Lawyer was an amazing movie
Hello all.Travo_basicYou already said "hi" two times :P P.S: i'm playing FInal Fantasy XIII and posting in GS at the same time :D
You already said "hi" two times :P P.S: i'm playing FInal Fantasy XIII and posting in GS at the same time :D XIII sucked, get with the times, noob. =P[QUOTE="Travo_basic"]Hello all.guildclaws
P.S: i'm playing FInal Fantasy XIII and posting in GS at the same time :DNice I'm playing Bastion, and posting :Pguildclaws
[QUOTE="guildclaws"]You already said "hi" two times :P P.S: i'm playing FInal Fantasy XIII and posting in GS at the same time :D XIII sucked, get with the times, noob. =P I don't think mods are allowed to say noob :o :P[QUOTE="Travo_basic"]Hello all.Allicrombie
[QUOTE="Allicrombie"][QUOTE="guildclaws"] You already said "hi" two times :P P.S: i'm playing FInal Fantasy XIII and posting in GS at the same time :DXIII sucked, get with the times, noob. =P I don't think mods are allowed to say noob :o :Pberserker2389
would you rather I called him a muggle?
[QUOTE="guildclaws"]You already said "hi" two times :P P.S: i'm playing FInal Fantasy XIII and posting in GS at the same time :D XIII sucked, get with the times, noob. =PYour just jealous because i already 5-starred the final boss :P[QUOTE="Travo_basic"]Hello all.Allicrombie
XIII sucked, get with the times, noob. =PYour just jealous because i already 5-starred the final boss :P I couldnt get past the game's poor interpretation of story, lackluster characters and tiring battle system. /endsnootyrant[QUOTE="Allicrombie"][QUOTE="guildclaws"] You already said "hi" two times :P P.S: i'm playing FInal Fantasy XIII and posting in GS at the same time :D
Nice I'm playing Bastion, and posting :PMultitasking FTW! :P[QUOTE="guildclaws"] P.S: i'm playing FInal Fantasy XIII and posting in GS at the same time :D
Bastion is impossible with all idols on :|berserker2389Bah, Chuck Norris would have beat that game in 1 second...... well someone had to make a Chuck Norris joke :P
[QUOTE="berserker2389"]Bastion is impossible with all idols on :|guildclawsBah, Chuck Norris would have beat that game in 1 second...... well someone had to make a Chuck Norris joke :P No chuck norris jokes allowed in roll call! :x
[QUOTE="guildclaws"][QUOTE="berserker2389"]Bastion is impossible with all idols on :|berserker2389Bah, Chuck Norris would have beat that game in 1 second...... well someone had to make a Chuck Norris joke :P No chuck norris jokes allowed in roll call! :xBah, if Chuck Norris is the admin in GS he would have allowed Chuck Norris jokes in RC :P
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