[QUOTE="-eddy-"]As an tribute to your new colour. :Phorgen123Thank you :PI'll probably forget it tomorrow though :lol:
Probably the best since that looks quite aggressive. :P
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[QUOTE="cfamgcn"][QUOTE="worthyofnote"][QUOTE="cfamgcn"][QUOTE="Marksman2200"]Meh, this is my last year of high school now, and so far I've had little to no homework.worthyofnote
Seniors :roll: ~ de arimasu
High school kids :roll: :PI already graduated if you thought I was one. ~ de arimasu :P
Ahh graduation, that was years ago for me.I see the reason behind your almost 11k posts now :o ~ de arimasu
[QUOTE="Marksman2200"]Awwwww, I have it right here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NCTUwfTq2Ihorgen123Nice, now I have something funny to watch during my religion cla$$ tomorrow :lol:I always hated religion class back in junior high.
I hate my life right now,if you want to know why,Read my new blog...and leave a comment. ;)Wolf-avatarI sahll look and see...and comment:wink:
This only took me a year to get. I've only been a member of GS for a little over a year.I see the reason behind your almost 11k posts now :o ~ de arimasu
Wolf! Glad to see you here, whatcha up to?
P.S. I'll check out your blog :P
messing around with my mp3 player.
[QUOTE="RilesCole"]Wolf! Glad to see you here, whatcha up to?
P.S. I'll check out your blog :P
messing around with my mp3 player.
what kind fo MP3 player?[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"][QUOTE="RilesCole"]Wolf! Glad to see you here, whatcha up to?
P.S. I'll check out your blog :P
messing around with my mp3 player.
what kind fo MP3 player?Uhh,I really have no idea.It just ses Mp3 PlayerDvr,256 mb.
I don' even now how to go diff. colours:(I should probably choose a custom colour too.
Green would be awesome since it relates to Matrix (like my ava). But I can't use it since KH2 got it. :(
[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"][QUOTE="RilesCole"]Wolf! Glad to see you here, whatcha up to?
P.S. I'll check out your blog :P
messing around with my mp3 player.
what kind fo MP3 player?Uhh,I really have no idea.It just ses Mp3 PlayerDvr,256 mb.
ah, a generic brand.[QUOTE="-eddy-"]I don' even now how to go diff. colours:(I should probably choose a custom colour too.
Green would be awesome since it relates to Matrix (like my ava). But I can't use it since KH2 got it. :(
I cant wait till I turn 18 and move out of this house and get a life.Every day I just sit of my computer and post.Thats all,There is nothing else to do.My sister is always calling me lazy and making fun of me because I have no friends.Wolf-avatarme to , except my mom and says im lazy and i also have no friends
[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="-eddy-"]I don' even now how to go diff. colours:(I should probably choose a custom colour too.
Green would be awesome since it relates to Matrix (like my ava). But I can't use it since KH2 got it. :(
[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]I cant wait till I turn 18 and move out of this house and get a life.Every day I just sit of my computer and post.Thats all,There is nothing else to do.My sister is always calling me lazy and making fun of me because I have no friends.ps3wizard45me to , except my mom and says im lazy and i also have no friends
Everytime I want to get on my pc,My sister goes ask my dad if she could get on the computer.
me to , except my mom and says im lazy and i also have no friends[QUOTE="ps3wizard45"][QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]I cant wait till I turn 18 and move out of this house and get a life.Every day I just sit of my computer and post.Thats all,There is nothing else to do.My sister is always calling me lazy and making fun of me because I have no friends.Wolf-avatar
Everytime I want to get on my pc,My sister goes ask my dad if she could get on the computer.
You just ahve to hate little sisters >_>I cant wait till I turn 18 and move out of this house and get a life.Every day I just sit of my computer and post.Thats all,There is nothing else to do.My sister is always calling me lazy and making fun of me because I have no friends.Wolf-avatarJust wait, then you'll have all sorts of responsibilities. Bills to pay, and other people calling you all kinds of names.
If you're worried about not having friends, get out and make some.
Did I mention,The other day,I found this T-shirt in my closet,My grandmother gave it to me,It has these evil looking dragons on them,My dad wont let me where them,He ses they look stupid,Before he kept on asking me to get a haircut because he said my hair looked stupid,Then my parents forced me to get a haircut.Wolf-avatarI hate parents that want their children to conform.
[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]Did I mention,The other day,I found this T-shirt in my closet,My grandmother gave it to me,It has these evil looking dragons on them,My dad wont let me where them,He ses they look stupid,Before he kept on asking me to get a haircut because he said my hair looked stupid,Then my parents forced me to get a haircut.Marksman2200I hate parents that want their children to conform.
My parents are great people..but they make me so mad some times.
I hate parents that want their children to conform.[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]Did I mention,The other day,I found this T-shirt in my closet,My grandmother gave it to me,It has these evil looking dragons on them,My dad wont let me where them,He ses they look stupid,Before he kept on asking me to get a haircut because he said my hair looked stupid,Then my parents forced me to get a haircut.Wolf-avatar
My parents are great people..but they make me so mad some times.
That will happen:([QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]Did I mention,The other day,I found this T-shirt in my closet,My grandmother gave it to me,It has these evil looking dragons on them,My dad wont let me where them,He ses they look stupid,Before he kept on asking me to get a haircut because he said my hair looked stupid,Then my parents forced me to get a haircut.Marksman2200I hate parents that want their children to conform.Me too. Thankfully my parents just let me be myself.
[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]Did I mention,The other day,I found this T-shirt in my closet,My grandmother gave it to me,It has these evil looking dragons on them,My dad wont let me where them,He ses they look stupid,Before he kept on asking me to get a haircut because he said my hair looked stupid,Then my parents forced me to get a haircut.worthyofnoteI hate parents that want their children to conform.Me too. Thankfully my parents just let me be myself. Same here, I'm me, I'm not no one else.
Just wait, then you'll have all sorts of responsibilities. Bills to pay, and other people calling you all kinds of names.[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]I cant wait till I turn 18 and move out of this house and get a life.Every day I just sit of my computer and post.Thats all,There is nothing else to do.My sister is always calling me lazy and making fun of me because I have no friends.worthyofnote
If you're worried about not having friends, get out and make some.
They never let go anywhere,I cant go to my cousins house anymore because my uncle has guns in his house.My dad ses I dont know how to act,I think they also hate the music I listin to.
I hate parents that want their children to conform.[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]Did I mention,The other day,I found this T-shirt in my closet,My grandmother gave it to me,It has these evil looking dragons on them,My dad wont let me where them,He ses they look stupid,Before he kept on asking me to get a haircut because he said my hair looked stupid,Then my parents forced me to get a haircut.Wolf-avatar
My parents are great people..but they make me so mad some times.
It's a part of being young.[QUOTE="ps3wizard45"]hello roll call worthyofnoteHey there, how goes it?hiya , it goes bad
my dads has been being a jerk and its been raining and crappy out
[QUOTE="worthyofnote"]Just wait, then you'll have all sorts of responsibilities. Bills to pay, and other people calling you all kinds of names.[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]I cant wait till I turn 18 and move out of this house and get a life.Every day I just sit of my computer and post.Thats all,There is nothing else to do.My sister is always calling me lazy and making fun of me because I have no friends.Wolf-avatar
If you're worried about not having friends, get out and make some.
They never let go anywhere,I cant go to my cousins house anymore because my uncle has guns in his house.My dad ses I dont know how to act,I think they also hate the music I listin to.
Ypour parents sound strict:|[QUOTE="worthyofnote"]Just wait, then you'll have all sorts of responsibilities. Bills to pay, and other people calling you all kinds of names.[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]I cant wait till I turn 18 and move out of this house and get a life.Every day I just sit of my computer and post.Thats all,There is nothing else to do.My sister is always calling me lazy and making fun of me because I have no friends.Wolf-avatar
If you're worried about not having friends, get out and make some.
They never let go anywhere,I cant go to my cousins house anymore because my uncle has guns in his house.My dad ses I dont know how to act,I think they also hate the music I listin to.
what music do you listen too ?[QUOTE="worthyofnote"]Just wait, then you'll have all sorts of responsibilities. Bills to pay, and other people calling you all kinds of names.[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]I cant wait till I turn 18 and move out of this house and get a life.Every day I just sit of my computer and post.Thats all,There is nothing else to do.My sister is always calling me lazy and making fun of me because I have no friends.Wolf-avatar
If you're worried about not having friends, get out and make some.
They never let go anywhere,I cant go to my cousins house anymore because my uncle has guns in his house.My dad ses I dont know how to act,I think they also hate the music I listin to.
Well, parents and kids often don't see eye to eye. They want to look out for you and keep you safe, but sometimes parents can be a little over-protective. At the same time, you just want to get out and live it up. I know, I was young once. Still am.[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"][QUOTE="worthyofnote"]Just wait, then you'll have all sorts of responsibilities. Bills to pay, and other people calling you all kinds of names.[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]I cant wait till I turn 18 and move out of this house and get a life.Every day I just sit of my computer and post.Thats all,There is nothing else to do.My sister is always calling me lazy and making fun of me because I have no friends.Marksman2200
If you're worried about not having friends, get out and make some.
They never let go anywhere,I cant go to my cousins house anymore because my uncle has guns in his house.My dad ses I dont know how to act,I think they also hate the music I listin to.
Ypour parents sound strict:|my parents suck[QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]I hate parents that want their children to conform.[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="Wolf-avatar"]Did I mention,The other day,I found this T-shirt in my closet,My grandmother gave it to me,It has these evil looking dragons on them,My dad wont let me where them,He ses they look stupid,Before he kept on asking me to get a haircut because he said my hair looked stupid,Then my parents forced me to get a haircut.worthyofnote
My parents are great people..but they make me so mad some times.
It's a part of being young.Its not my parents that make me mad,Its my stupid 9 year old sister.I hate her so much,Everytime she gets mad,All she dose is cry and scream at people.Thats why I like to make her mad sometimes. ^ ^
Hey there, how goes it?hiya , it goes bad[QUOTE="worthyofnote"][QUOTE="ps3wizard45"]hello roll call ps3wizard45
my dads has been being a jerk and its been raining and crappy out
Sorry to hear.Yeah, it's been raining pretty heavily here too.
I'm doing alright. I think my room mate is a bit pissed off at me. Oh well.
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