it appears this place has died... WOOHOHOOOOO *takes off clothes and does the party boy naked*GTR2addictYou unda arrest for indecent southern exposure. It's against the law, move it!
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it appears this place has died... WOOHOHOOOOO *takes off clothes and does the party boy naked*GTR2addictYou unda arrest for indecent southern exposure. It's against the law, move it!
[QUOTE="GTR2addict"]it appears this place has died... WOOHOHOOOOO *takes off clothes and does the party boy naked*MAILER_DAEMONYou unda arrest for indecent southern exposure. It's against the law, move it!
[QUOTE="GTR2addict"]it appears this place has died... WOOHOHOOOOO *takes off clothes and does the party boy naked*dave123321
thank you thank you, i know im awesme
[QUOTE="GTR2addict"]it appears this place has died... WOOHOHOOOOO *takes off clothes and does the party boy naked*MAILER_DAEMONYou unda arrest for indecent southern exposure. It's against the law, move it!
awww *cries in cell* darn you lurkers!
but anyways *grabs c4 package from "downstairs and blows up wall* so long suckas!!
it appears this place has died... WOOHOHOOOOO *takes off clothes and does the party boy naked*GTR2addict
[QUOTE="GTR2addict"]it appears this place has died... WOOHOHOOOOO *takes off clothes and does the party boy naked*cousin_eddy
oh yeah 8)
[QUOTE="GTR2addict"]it appears this place has died... WOOHOHOOOOO *takes off clothes and does the party boy naked*cousin_eddy
btw, huge maiden fan here ;)
[QUOTE="Premier1101"][QUOTE="Dante2710"]*checks* nope, no sign of life >_>Dante2710
:x damn, first time im wronglol.... I got class in 20 mins... but I should head out now
[QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]I Here.:)dave123321
Hello there . How goes it?
It goes great!:D My new 360 turned up yesterday, and i can play on R6V 2 again.:) What about u? What have u been up to?
[QUOTE="dave123321"][QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]I Here.:)Stealth-S-117
Hello there . How goes it?
It goes great!:D My new 360 turned up yesterday, and i can play on R6V 2 again.:) What about u? What have u been up to?
I am doing good. Doing some HW . I need to get my 360 fixed. Will get around to it eventually.
[QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"][QUOTE="dave123321"][QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]I Here.:)dave123321
Hello there . How goes it?
It goes great!:D My new 360 turned up yesterday, and i can play on R6V 2 again.:) What about u? What have u been up to?
I am doing good. Doing some HW . I need to get my 360 fixed. Will get around to it eventually.
HW.:roll: Who needs it? :P And what's with not getting your 360 fixed? Is it outside warranty?:(
[QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]I Here.:)Marksman2200Hey Stealth, still not level 10 eh?
Arrrghhh!!!:evil::evil::evil: Not funny! Not funny at all! I think i lost some points for that post the other day.:roll::( Whatcha up to Marksman?:D
Hey Stealth, still not level 10 eh?[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]I Here.:)Stealth-S-117
Arrrghhh!!!:evil::evil::evil: Not funny! Not funny at all! I think i lost some points for that post the other day.:roll::( Whatcha up to Marksman?:D
Not much, was supposed to work, but got a call not to bother.[QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]Hey Stealth, still not level 10 eh?[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]I Here.:)Marksman2200
Arrrghhh!!!:evil::evil::evil: Not funny! Not funny at all! I think i lost some points for that post the other day.:roll::( Whatcha up to Marksman?:D
Not much, was supposed to work, but got a call not to bother.Why is that? :(
HW.:roll: Who needs it? :P And what's with not getting your 360 fixed? Is it outside warranty?:(
It is outside warranty. And my extreme laziness prohibits me to go out and do something about it.
My trainer couldn't work today, so since I'm in training, i don't have to go.Why is that? :(
[QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]HW.:roll: Who needs it? :P And what's with not getting your 360 fixed? Is it outside warranty?:(
It is outside warranty. And my extreme laziness prohibits me to go out and do something about it.
My old 360 was outside warranty when it had the RROD for the third time, and i just decide it wasn't worth getting it fixed cos it would just do it again. So i bought a new one instead:D(Hoping it doesn't die in the first week, or i might just get really angry, and that's not good at all when that happens:evil::evil:)
[QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]My trainer couldn't work today, so since I'm in training, i don't have to go.Why is that? :(
Fair nuf.:) What you going to do with all that extra time, hmm?;)
[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]My trainer couldn't work today, so since I'm in training, i don't have to go.Why is that? :(
Fair nuf.:) What you going to do with all that extra time, hmm?;)
I'm thinking of renting Force Unleashed, and doing a video walkthrough.[QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"][QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]My trainer couldn't work today, so since I'm in training, i don't have to go.Why is that? :(
Fair nuf.:) What you going to do with all that extra time, hmm?;)
I'm thinking of renting Force Unleashed, and doing a video walkthrough.That sounds good.:) I'm thinking of buying Force unleashed on PS3, but i'm not sure what i'm gonna buy it with. * stares at bank balance sadly*
Well I'm not actually buying a game till October, when all the good PS3 games start releasing.That sounds good.:) I'm thinking of buying Force unleashed on PS3, but i'm not sure what i'm gonna buy it with. * stares at bank balance sadly*
[QUOTE="Stealth-S-117"]Well I'm not actually buying a game till October, when all the good PS3 games start releasing.That sounds good.:) I'm thinking of buying Force unleashed on PS3, but i'm not sure what i'm gonna buy it with. * stares at bank balance sadly*
Like Fallout 3 perhaps?:P Or mabye even little big planet?:lol::lol: My list for october so far is...
Brothers in Arms:HH on 360
Midnight Club:LA on 360
Far Cry 2 on 360
Little Big Planet on PS3
And possibly Fallout 3 on PC
My list goes as follows:
Fracture - PS3
Dead Space - PS3
BioShock - PS3
LittleBigPlanet - PS3
Fallout 3 - PS3
My list goes as follows:
Fracture - PS3
Dead Space - PS3
BioShock - PS3
LittleBigPlanet - PS3
Fallout 3 - PS3
Fracture! I totally forgot about that game.:D * sigh* How am i going to pay for all this?:cry: I just remembered i want Motorstorm 2 as well!:? It seems like i'm always broke at the moment.
* looks at the clock* Oh meh!:evil: It's time for me to scarper. I got work to do, and money to make. I'll be back in a couple of hours i hope. L8tr Marksman.8)
Later Stealth, see you in a few hours:)Fracture! I totally forgot about that game.:D * sigh* How am i going to pay for all this?:cry: I just remembered i want Motorstorm 2 as well!:? It seems like i'm always broke at the moment.
* looks at the clock* Oh meh!:evil: It's time for me to scarper. I got work to do, and money to make. I'll be back in a couple of hours i hope. L8tr Marksman.8)
Hey Data, how are ya?Marksman2200
Good, ive been playing sum half life 2 with a high res pack added on, you?
[QUOTE="Marksman2200"]Hey Data, how are ya?certifieddata
Good, ive been playing sum half life 2 with a high res pack added on, you?
I should play that on my comp again.[QUOTE="worthyofnote"]Hey all.Marksman2200Hey, worthy, how are you?Not bad. Feeling good. Just posting and surfing the nets. Yourself?
[QUOTE="Marksman2200"][QUOTE="worthyofnote"]Hey all.worthyofnoteHey, worthy, how are you?Not bad. Feeling good. Just posting and surfing the nets. Yourself?Same, watching some South Park
[QUOTE="Marksman2200"]I should play that on my comp again.certifieddata
It r like one of the best games evra.
I know it be awesome.Please Log In to post.
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